Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Nevada School Patrons Hear Annual Report From Administrators

Published Wednesday, August 25, 1999 in the Nevada County Picayune

Nevada School District recently administrators gave their reports to the public for the current school year.

The sixth grade will continue cultivating 'school to work.' Arrangements are underway for children to observe jobs again this year in the actual workplace. The location this year will be Prescott; last year it was Magnolia.

The faculty will continue relationships with the Rockefeller Foundation, 'Bridging the Gap' Association, Leadership Academy, federal coordinators and the Southwest Educational Development Laboratory.

The Accelerated Reader program will again serve students in grades in one through eight. In this program, children select books and take comprehension tests. The program has incentives to encourage the students. The program has moved the computers from the library to the classroom. The teachers report increased use.

Susan West, the elementary school's librarian, will head up the program this year with a team of teachers.

The newest impact lab is continuing to get rave reviews. The library and all classrooms have computers and will have Internet access with Net Nanny to screen programs.

The North Central Association of Colleges and Schools has renewed both schools accreditation in the Nevada School District. The whole school will be entering a new COE cycle. The focus will be student achievement. Smart Start will be moving into the upper grades. Efforts will be made to line up the curriculum with the test, CRT benchmarks.

Grades five, seven and 10 ranked above the region on the SAT-9.

Student tutoring and student motivation activities will be continued this year due to the good results last year. A trip is again planned for the fifth, seventh and 10th grades making a significant gain in testing. Tutoring will be expanded to a daily program throughout the year.

The school swill again participate in Quiz Bowl for all interested children. Parents again make this program possible.

After school care will be offered daily again this year. Charlotte Watts will be doing the program. It will cost $3 a day from 3 to 6 p.m. Everyday students or drop-ins are welcome. The program is available for Head Start through sixth grade students.

Nutritious snacks will be provided at no charge. The lunchroom director hopes to expand the snacks to all interested children.

The D.A.R.E. program last year was "super," according to the adminstration. The program will be continued. The 'Smart Choices' program from the State Attorney General's office will be expanded to the high school as well as continued in the grade six.

Grandparents Day will again be celebrated. This year it will be later in the year so as to not conflict with testing. Again this year a federal programs participant dinner will be held to further solicit input from families.

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