Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Nygaard To Begin Work Locally

Published Wednesday, August 25, 1999 in the Nevada County Picayune

First Presbyterian Church of Prescott will install a new pastor Sunday, August 29, at 6:00 p.m. during special services. The public is invited.

A reception for Rev. Robin T. Nygaard will follow the worship service. "We feel this is an opportunity to share with our community as a whole the value and importance of celebration in worship and the alliance of Christians in Prescott," a prepared news release said.

Rev. Nygaard and her children Ruth Anne, 13, and Anson, 10, come to Prescott from southern California where she was involved in community development, Christian formation and discipleship and youth.

"Robin is committed to investing herself fully to Prescott as she is involved with her children, in the community at large and focus upon the care, nurture and worship of First Presbyterian," the release stated.

"We hope you will take this opportunity to share our joy in worship as we begin a new chapter in the life of our church," it concluded.

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Newspaper articles have been contributed to the Prescott Community Freenet Association as a "current history" of our area. Articles dated December 1981 through May 2001 were contributed by Ragsdale Printing Company, Inc. Articles June 2001 to ? were contributed by Better Built Group, Inc. Articles ? to October 2008 were contributed by GateHouse Media.

Ownership of all Nevada County Picayune content from the beginning of the newspaper, including predecessors, until May 2001 was contributed by the John and Betty Ragsdale family to the Prescott Community Freenet Association. Content on this site may not be archived, retransmitted, saved in a database, or used for any commercial purpose without express written permission. Web hosting by and presentation style copyright ©1999-2009 Danny Stewart