Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Funshine Furniture Announces Location Of Industry

Published Wednesday, May 13, 1998 in the Nevada County Picayune

Funshine Furniture officially announced the location of a new manufacturing facility in Prescott.

The new facility will manufacture high quality, ready to assemble outdoor furniture; specialty cut wood products and outdoor decking.

The Prescott-Nevada County Economic Office generated and developed the lead locating Funshine Furniture. The Southwest Arkansas Planning and Development District played an important part in the process by providing financial assistance through their loan programs as well as providing work force training funds through the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA).

The entire recruitment process took about four months from initial contact to the announcement, Chandler Russ, executive director of the EDO, said.

Funshine Furniture expects to ultimately employ 20 people at this facility. The furniture will be of high quality and manufactured for customers ranging from locally owned dealers to large retail markets.

Funshine representatives worked closely with city and state officials, as well as the Prescott business community in choosing the plant location. Representatives looked at several other sites both in state and out of state before choosing to locate in Prescott.

Ken Richards, president of the company, explained his decision to locate in Prescott. "Nevada County has a good reputation for hard working citizens," he said, "a labor force familiar with the industry, an available building, competitive electric rates, an aggressive well prepared economic development office, concerned elected state officials and a mayor and city council prepared to do business.

"We like Prescott's atmosphere, and all the participants in this process worked hard to see our new home was Prescott. So here we are and we're proud of our decision."

"This is great," Russ said. "Many people should be thanked for their hard work in this project, but most importantly, let's thank Funshine Furniture and Ken Richards for making their new industrial home Prescott. We are proud to have worked closely with them over the past few months and pleased we could assist them in their location. This is a great beginning and another quantifiable result for Prescott and Nevada County, directing limited resources to a determined task."

Some of the industrial incentives offered to Funshine are a low interest loan through the Farmer's Home Administration and SWAPDD, entrance into the Enterprise Zone program offering tax credits for equipment and material purchases, the City of Prescott refurbishing the available building to an industrial use and a long term lease, and job training assistance through the JTPA and SWAPDD.

"Cities and counties must be willing to accommodate business and industry to be successful in the recruitment process," Russ said. "They must be willing to shake hands, agree on terms and become partners for success.

"Industry has a stake in the success of our community and our community has a stake in industry success. Let there be no doubt the over-the-top incentive offered here was the city's willingness to refurbish the armory building.

"In my opinion, it was a very wise move, they were left a building that to tear down would have cost an estimated $35,000 to $40,000. Why not spend the money and refurbish and give yourself a moveable product?

"The mayor and council saw this reasoning and made an excellent choice of renovation. My hat is off to them."

John Brannan, Jr., president of the Bank of Prescott and Nevada County Industrial Development Corporation, said, "Economic development only occurs when people are ready and willing for development to occur.

"I can honestly say we are prepared, now, we still have work to do but overall Prescott's future is bright. We look forward to working with Funshine and Ken Richards to ensure their profitability and success in Prescott."

"We are happy people will go back to work," Mayor Howard Taylor said, "and new jobs will be created. Job creation continues to be a goal for this mayor and this council. The economic impact of this location on the local economy will be great for local retailers and business alike. We extend our hand to Funshine and look forward to many good years of partnership between them and this community."

"We are making a big commitment in Prescott," Richards said, "and the new facility will be a big plus for area citizens. The new facility will be an asset this community can be proud of, plus create needed jobs.

"We have to undergo a lot of new training and teach the labor force the correct technique to making furniture and take it one step at a time."

Representatives from Funshine, State Sen. Mike Ross, Arkansas Economic Development Corporation and SWAPDD officials will be on hand at a ribbon cutting and open house for the new industry Thursday, June 4, at noon.

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