Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Westmoreland Will Be Available

Published Wednesday, May 13, 1998 in the Nevada County Picayune

Judy Westmoreland has ventured into the realm of politics, running for the soon to be vacated office of Nevada County Tax Assessor.

The office is opening because incumbent Barbara Butler is not seeking reelection.

Westmoreland said she can do a good job and be an asset to the office.

"I plan to keep Nevada County my home and be available to the people if elected," she said.

"I don't know what changes will be made, because I'm not in office yet. I will be available to attend training sessions and seminars so I will be better able to serve the people."

Westmoreland has worked with the public for 18 years. She spent 13 years as the librarian in Prescott and the last five working at city hall.

Her duties at city hall include keeping up with financial records and transactions, billing, the preparation of utility bills, the issuing of permits and licenses and working with city government.

"Availability is key to the race," she said. "I'm helpful, friendly to those who come to city hall."

Westmoreland is a native of Nevada County, growing up in the Laneburg community. She graduated from Prescott High School and is a member of the First United Methodist Church, where she has served on the church administrative council and sings in the choir.

She has one daughter, April, and enjoys reading in her spare time.

"The decision to run was mine," Westmoreland said. "I talked with my family and co- workers, but made the decision to run on my own.

"Those of you who've known me for the past 18 years, know I'm dedicated, hard working person. I will do the best job I can to serve the people of Nevada County, if elected."

Westmoreland has been out knocking on doors when time permits, but said with a full- time job she hasn't had time to visit with everyone in the county.

"If elected, I will assess all property in accordance with state law. My goal is to have efficient, dedicated deputies. Public servants to everyone above all and being fair to all the citizens of the county. I will do the duties of office in a timely manner as dictated by state law."

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