Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Rep. Percy Malone Sees Good Things For House In 1998-99

Published Wednesday, January 7, 1998 in the Nevada County Picayune

Continuing to work for the people in Clark and Nevada counties is important for State Rep. Percy Malone.

While the Arkansas Legislature is in an off-year and will not meet in 1998, unless a special session is called, it is an important year nonetheless.

Malone has hopes of being named co-chair of the House Joint Budget Committee so he can continue working to bring monies and projects to the area he represents.

While no special session has been mentioned, Malone said one may be needed to address a bill introduced concerning the conduct of elected officials. This is an issue needing to be dealt with as soon as possible, he said.

However, Malone looks forward to good things in '98, including a continued drop in the unemployment rate for Nevada and Clark counties, along with getting more industries to locate in his coverage area to improve the economy in Southwest Arkansas.

Malone lauded the Prescott-Nevada County Economic Development Office, saying it's doing a good job recruiting.

In Arkadelphia, his plans are to continue working on the rebuilding process after the March 1, 1997 tornadoes devastated the city.

"It will be an interesting year," he said. "More than 50 seats in the House will be open. There'll be a lot of political activity and a lot of state races. It will be a different experience than before.'

These seats will be open because of Arkansas' new term limit law. This will mean a loss of experience in the House and Senate, while those with experience who can return will be more important than ever.

Malone's experience will be invaluable, especially if he's reelected and named co-chair of the House Joint Budget Committee. In this position, he said, he can do more for the district.

His first problem, however, will be getting reelected. Malone plans to announce plans for his reelection in the near future.

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