Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Caney News

Published Wednesday, March 4, 1998 in the Nevada County Picayune

Ruby Wicker

We still have sick folks in Caney. Margie Reed, Ann Loe and Bob and Wanda Lunsford were unable to be in church Sunday. They all have colds and coughs.

Children of J.W. and Maxine Glass entertained them at their home Saturday evening. I'd better not try to name which children. I might leave out the wrong ones, but most of them were there.

I visited my sister, Pauline Blevins, at Nubbin Hill Sunday afternoon.

Dick and Sandy Steed of Arkadelphia came yesterday and went to church at Mt. Zion with her parents, Raymond and Phena Hicks. They also ate lunch and spent the afternoon.

Rusty and Crystal Wicker of Dallas, Texas, visited his mother, Wanda, and brother, Steve, last weekend.

Kenny and Kelly Munn are back home after an exciting trip to London, England. They spent several days just touring the city and viewing tourist attractions.

My ol' Pappy always said no matter how bad a child is he's always good for a tax deduction.

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