Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Easter Egg Hunt Set For April 11

Published Wednesday, April 1, 1998 in the Nevada County Picayune

Children of all ages need to be honing their hunting skills.

This is because the Fourth Annual Prescott-Nevada County Chamber of Commerce Easter Egg Hunt will soon be here. In fact, the hunt is scheduled for Saturday, April 11, at the Nevada County Courthouse.

There have been a few changes for this year's hunt. First, times for the hunts have been reduced to 30 minutes between each age group.

This was done, according to Mary Godwin, executive director of the Chamber, because there was too much time for the children to wait between hunts in past years.

But, another change will help the youngsters pass the time as they wait to hunt the eggs left by the Easter Bunny. Godwin said this year, for the first time, there will be entertainment on hand. A clown will be in the courtroom tying balloons into a variety of shapes.

The age groups will begin with toddlers 12-24 months. This bunch will get things started at 10 a.m.

At 10:30 a.m. the three and four year old children will hit the courthouse lawn in search of the treasures.

From there, the 5-7 group takes center stage at 11 a.m., with the event wrapping up at 11:30 with those ages 8-10.

This year, Godwin said, more eggs will be hidden. In the past about 1,000 plastic eggs have been tucked away for the children to seek. For the 1998 hunt, Godwin said, between 1,300 and 1,400 eggs will be hidden.

There will be plenty of Easter eggs, gifts and prizes presented at the hunt, all compliments of the Chamber, retail merchants and local businesses.

A golden egg will be hidden in each age division, with the winner receiving a stuffed Easter Bunny.

In addition there will be face painting, pictures taken with the Easter Bunny and a duck pond on hand, as well as balloons for the children.

There is no admission for this, but all children must have a basket for the eggs they find and must also be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

A concession stand will also be on hand to help keep the hungries at bay.

For more information on the Easter Egg Hunt, contact the Chamber at 887-2101.

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