Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Rosston News

Published Wednesday, April 8, 1998 in the Nevada County Picayune

Marguerite Williams

Services at Rosston church were well attended Sunday with Bro. Petie bringing a very inspiring message on parents' responsibility in the home to their children.

I celebrated a birthday this week with supper at Western Sizzlin in Hope on Tuesday night. Our sons and their wives treated Roscoe and me to a good meal. On Wednesday night we had supper with granddaughter Ginger, Brandon and Tyler McKinnon at the Brangus in Texarkana. On Saturday night we had supper at Ryans Steak House in El Dorado with A.B. and Maxine Luck and Bill and Pat Lusby of Camden. I don't want anymore birthday's anytime soon, because I don't need this much food. After all, what else is there to do for people our age except go out to eat.

We were sorry to hear that Terrel Fairchild's son, Mike, passed away this week suddenly with a heart attack. He lived in Montana. Bill Fairchild was his grandfather. They were all formerly from Rosston and we send sympathy to this family.

Get well wishes to Leonard Black. He came home Wednesday from a Little Rock hospital and we wish him a speedy recovery.

Dub Crank has been in St. Michael's in Texarkana for some time, but was put in a rehab center there one day this week. Pray that these sick ones will soon be better.

We talked with the Barney Kyzar's in Marion and they are doing fine, just very busy.

Margaret Jackson, Dot Broussard, Ruth Vinson and Roscoe and I attended the revival at Union Church on Thursday night. Bro. Sam Husser of Laurel, Miss., brought a good message.

Marjorie Evans went back to her doctor in Hope this week for test results and learned that she has a thyroid problem. Pray that she will soon be feeling better.

Maxine Luck went to her doctor in Little Rock this week and got good news. He took her off insulin. We pray that she can do without it from now on, but she is still having eye problems. She will go back to Little Rock this week to see her eye doctor.

Otto and Lois Black of Haynesville, La., were our guests on Sunday afternoon. They gave us a nice offering on our new song books at Rosston church. We hope to have the new books soon.

I received my certification in CPR on Saturday at the community college in Hope. Thanks to Sherry Dillard Clark, who teaches it. I would be glad to assist in anyway I can if you need me.

Ruth Vinson left Friday morning to visit her daughter, Carolyn, and grandchildren in Haynesville, La. The children are in an Easter pageant there.

The Lucks worked at the Hurrah Patch Saturday, getting ready for their reunion, which will be the Sunday after Easter.

Happy Easter to everyone. We're looking for some of our family to visit. Some of them are scheduled to work, but some are supposed to go to church with us and then eat lunch.

Granddaughter Tori Rocole visited with us a while Sunday afternoon after she got off work.

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