Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Nurse Visits School

Published Wednesday, May 6, 1998 in the Nevada County Picayune

A nurse from the Burn Center Outreach Program at Arkansas Children's Hospital will visit classes at Prescott Middle School on Friday, May 8.

The outreach program goes to schools around the state to teach burn safety and prevention. The program's goal is to reduce burn injuries and burn-related deaths by educating children and the community.

Thirty-five percent of all burn injuries and related deaths are to young children. Because most burns to children are caused by hot liquid or food, the Burn Center encourages parents to keep children out of the kitchen, especially when cooking.

Another major cause of burns is scalding water. Many people keep hot water heaters set at the highest setting. Because hot water can cause burns in three to five seconds, hot water heaters should be set no higher than 120 degrees.

For more information on preventing burns in the home, call (501) 320-5437. The burn prevention outreach program can work with community schools, groups or professionals and volunteer fire departments to teach fire safety in the community.

Arkansas Children's Hospital is the only pediatric medical center in Arkansas and provides comprehensive, high-quality medical care for patients from birth to age 21.

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