Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive


Marguerite Williams
Published Wednesday, October 20, 1999 in the Nevada County Picayune

Last week's news:

Bro. Petie delivered a very good sermon Sunday morning. Among our visitors were two of Bro. Petie's cousins who are college students. Other guests were Tommie Lee Jarvis' sister, Daisy Methvin of Pine Bluff, Billy and Kelly Hardin and sons of Willisville and a friend of Chasity Reeves. We were happy to have Royce Dixon in our Sunday school class Sunday.

On Monday Roscoe and I had lunch in Texarkana with grandson Marty and wife Reagan. Our son Dwight was off work and he and wife Marion also had lunch with us.

Raegan's mother has decorated the nursery for them and it's really pretty. Lanora Dalrymple and others are having a pink and blue shower for them next Sunday afternoon. The baby is due in a few more weeks and it will be a surprise as we don't know whether it will be a boy or a girl. It doesn't matter as long as it is healthy. I think a surprise is nice.

On Wednesday we went to Little Rock for a checkup with Roscoe's sleep disorder doctor. He got a good report. He looks and feels much better. He used to wake up tired sometimes, but not anymore.

We had supper with Jim an Booie Williams at the Crossroads Buffet on Tuesday night.

Dot Broussard and Sue Dixon got complementary plane tickets to Los Vegas this week. They enjoyed a couple days there.

Lyn Dean Morman in still off work due to arthritis in her back and knees. Remember her in prayers.

Dail and Marjorie Evans were honored by their children on Thursday night. They celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary with supper and a cake and flowers brought to their home. Hope they live to have many more. Mary Jo Gregory and Garland Lewis were guests.

The Dail Evans' daughter, Judy, will go to a convention this week in Pine Bluff to receive her 25-year pin. Judy, we're proud of you.

Wayne Gibson made a haul to Tampa, Fla., this week and met daughter, Keri, and had breakfast and a short visit with her. I know this was a happy occasion for them.

Lee Jarvis spent a few days in the VA hospital this past week. They have not learned anything yet, but he will go back Tuesday for further tests.

Frankie Hendrix of Texarkana visited with the Ellis Bailey's and Roscoe and me this afternoon. It was good to see him and visit a while.

Roscoe and I visited with Jim and Eddie Jane Cross this week and also Claudie and LeVergne White. Jim and Claudie are recuperating from heart surgery and both are doing fine.

Bro. Petie, Laura and boys went to Maumelle this afternoon for the ordination service of Laura's sister's husband. We did not have services tonight.

Joie and Ellen Wallace are getting their nursery decorated. Her shower will be Sunday afternoon, October 24, at 2:00 in the fellowship hall of Rosston Church.

Booie Williams, Vicky Marlar, Maxine Freeman and a friend traveled to Eureka Springs Friday for a few days' vacation.

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