Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive


Mrs. Willie Hooks
Published Wednesday, May 6, 1998 in the Nevada County Picayune

I had such a nice birthday Tuesday. Our son and daughter-in-law, Willie Hugh and Carolyn brought a KFC dinner with all the trimmings, barbecued ribs for supper and a beautiful birthday cake with the inscription 'Happy Birthday Mother' and they spent the day with us. I also got several cards and phone calls. Thanks for each of these.

Sammy and Kay House, Jason and Lauren of Little Rock spent Sunday with his parents, Lenord and Faye House.

I spent Friday afternoon with my sisters, Katie Pittman and Elsie Elmore. Patsy Shope and Irene Riley also visited with us. Patsy and Irene also visited Cline and Wilma Compton.

Mrs. Joan Presley and Jason Anderson brought Chloe Orren some church tapes and visited a while. Shorty Garner also visited.

We are glad to hear Maudine White got a good report from her treatments.

Doris Ridgell and Kay Wren attended Midway Methodist Church services Sunday and had dinner with Wanda and Vernon Steven.

Paul and Robin Ridgell and Jeff and Josh Ridgell visited Doris Ridgell Sunday afternoon.

Jackie and Georgia Johnson of Verobeach, Fla., are spending some time with Mildred Johnson.

Behavior is a mirror in which everyone displays his own image.

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Newspaper articles have been contributed to the Prescott Community Freenet Association as a "current history" of our area. Articles dated December 1981 through May 2001 were contributed by Ragsdale Printing Company, Inc. Articles June 2001 to ? were contributed by Better Built Group, Inc. Articles ? to October 2008 were contributed by GateHouse Media.

Ownership of all Nevada County Picayune content from the beginning of the newspaper, including predecessors, until May 2001 was contributed by the John and Betty Ragsdale family to the Prescott Community Freenet Association. Content on this site may not be archived, retransmitted, saved in a database, or used for any commercial purpose without express written permission. Web hosting by and presentation style copyright ©1999-2009 Danny Stewart