Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Oak Grove

Lula Q. Kendrick
Published Wednesday, July 8, 1998 in the Nevada County Picayune

A reunion for class members and teachers of the former Nevada County Training School and Oak Grove School was held July 3 and 4. a picnic was held at Coleman Park and a banquet was held at Nevada School cafeteria in Rosston. Presentations were made by Mrs. Willie Mae Malney Simpson, former teacher at Oak Grove, Miss Hazel Johnson McEven, a former student of Oak Grove. They were really good. Prayer was by Elder Edward William. Greeting was by Mrs. Ardell Johnson A solo was sung by Mrs. Bobbie Helen Johnson Harvey, another former student of Oak Grove. Introduction of the keynote speaker, Dr. Kathalyn Scott, was made by Dr. William Bazzelle. Dr. Scott is a former teacher of Oak Grove. Another solo was sung by Miss Carolyn Easter, a former student who now lives in Little Rock.

All the students were glad to see each other and their former teachers, especially Dr. Scott. It has been 31 years since she has been back to Oak Grove, and Mrs. Millie B. Wallace Davis and her daughter from Texas.

The banquet was very nice. W.L. Bazzell was the oldest former teacher present. He is 100 years old and still has a very good memory.

Bobbie Dixon from Chicago and Merlyn Dixon from Berkeley, Calif., visited their Uncle George and me Sunday afternoon, as did Freddie and wife Margaret from Mineral Springs.

The Tidwells, Evans, Gulley, Bazzelle families were well attended. The Young family reunion was well attended. Plenty of good food was served.

The Bethel A.M.E. Church homecoming will be held Sunday with speaker Rev. Jordan. Revival started Monday night. Rev. Toney is the evangelist for the week. He is the pastor of Carthage A.M.E. Church.

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