Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive


Published Wednesday, October 13, 1999 in the Nevada County Picayune

The Gospel, According To . . .

In the world we live in today, anything is possible. Take for instance a movement in the religious world to incorporate anything into the services no matter how ridiculous it is. While living in Malvern, I became familiar with the Third Baptist Church monthly meeting of The Gospel According To Andy Griffin.' Sounds fishy to me, but really popular among those who hide in the dark and practice their Barney Fife impersonations. I received a copy of an article from a Tennessee newspaper about a church of Christ that had incorporated the same message, meeting on Sunday evenings after worship services. The Tennessee group had picked up the information from another congregation in Alabama via the internet. The article mentioned that more people were attending the hour long meeting than met at worship service. Yes, anything is possible.

Entertainment or Worship?

I find that the various groups that have embraced this new gospel are zealous about Andy Griffin and the show's many characters. I will admit that television programs that came out in the first 20 to 30 years are a lot more wholesome than programs on television today. I just find it hard to believe that anyone can justify that the goodness of little Opie, Sheriff Andy and Aunt Bea can be compared to the goodness found in the Bible. Literature concerning the programs seem to lump Barney, Goober, Gomer Pyle and Otis the drunk into an opposite category where good/bad intermingle. No one is considered to be really bad, and therefore representing Satan. But, the question remains. Is it worshiping to pop a video tape of an old television program in and watch it or to actually study God's word?

People Will Believe . . .

I have a good friend and co-worker who reflects upon occasion the truth that some (and most) people will believe anything. He has in fun, in times past, considered opening his own church, though his thoughts about the subject are a little sketchy. If perhaps he would consider incorporating Dragnet and a little Jack Webb philosophy into his church, he could become successful. And if you think about it, the old television program Dragnet does have some religious connections. After all, some of the Lord's followers did use a drag net in their original trade of fishing. Then they became fishers of men.

Why Andy and Barney?

I guess it could be a personal dislike of the Andy Griffin show that makes me a little more puzzled why denominations would incorporate Andy and Barney into worshiping God. My dislike of the program can only come from the fact I've probably seen each episode about 10 times while growing up. I never could find anything religious about any of those guys no matter how many albums they cut attempted to sell during infomercials. Don't you think Jack Webb would be more appropriate with his Yas sirs' and Yas ma'am" and his stiff movements and his habit of only shaking other police officers' hands (instead of the public). Think about it. Police officers would represent the good and everyone else is potentially evil, unless proven innocent.

Please Continue . . .

The honest truth is, there is nothing on television that should be worshiped or even attempt to incorporate into worship services. We do develop certain characteristics from television shows. In the past, some television shows have reflected the way America was and the way Americans lived. Television shows have made us proud of our nation and made us ashamed at the same time. Relationships between blacks, whites and Hispanics have been worked out on television shows. Where all this is going, I have no clue. But, do not be surprised if while driving by a local denomination you hear that familiar whistling . . . .

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