Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Emmet Races Contested For General Election

Published Wednesday, September 9, 1998 in the Nevada County Picayune

Friday's filing deadline for those petitioning political office saw a flurry of activity, especially from the Emmet area.

Most council seats will be contested in the November General Election in Emmet, as will the mayoral race.

For mayor, former office-holder Dale W. Booker has tossed his hat back into the arena, taking on current incumbent Ottis P. "Chuck" Otwell.

Billy Joe Arnett is running against William "Bill" Hamilton for the seat in ward one district one.

For ward one district two, incumbent Wayne Baker is being challenged by Tommy Hand and Harold Richardson.

For ward two district one, Dick Snell is running unopposed, while Stan Jernigan is seeking election to ward two district two's opening.

Jernigan currently holds the seat, being appointed earlier this year.

No petitions were filed for the position of Emmet's secretary/recorder.

However, Emmet voters will also be deciding the fate of the proposed annexation along Highway 67 North. The Emmet City Council met in special session Wednesday, Sept. 2, passing an ordinance to get the measure onto the Nov. 3 ballot.

For the most part, the majority of other council positions throughout the county see but a single candidate.

In Willisville, Garry Ann Jones is running as the lone candidate for mayor, as is Lisa Bailey for recorder/treasurer.

For the council positions, Sherry Burns is running for position 4; Roger Graham seeks position 5; Wylie Malone is after position 2; Malcolm Bridges wants position 1; and Bailey Atkins will get the nod for position 3.

For the Bodcaw area, Larry Hicks will be the mayor, with Janice Porter the recorder/treasurer.

Those running for the council positions are: Larry Hastings, district 1; Clifton Butler Jr., position 2; Garland Lewis, position 3; Jerry Dillard, position 4; and Jack Curtis, position 5.

After much debate and though, Lewis Jackson will again return to lead the Rosston City Council as mayor.

No other council positions are challenged either. Edna Kelly will continue representing district 1; Violene Drake will be the alderman in ward 2; Randy Goudeau will remain in ward 3; Linda McKinney will stay in ward 4; while Dorothy Ward will be the new councilman for ward 5 as Rob Robison did not seek reelection.

Brenda Tate will be the recorder/treasurer.

In Bluff City no one filed for the mayor's post, though Mary Ann Starnes will be the recorder/treasurer.

For council, though, Marguerite Tomlin will represent district 1; Nathan Jefferson will be in district 2; Laverne Greene will be the councilman from district 3; Jack Fort will be in district 4; and Jeff Phillips will be elected for district 5.

Two council positions in Cale are being contested this year, with Ferrrell Johnson and Richard Martin both seeking the seat in district 3, while Helen Benton and Margaret Barham are running for district 1.

Otherwise, Davis Benton will remain as mayor of Cale, with Denisa Love being the recorder/treasurer.

For council position 2, Earleen Ridling will be elected, as will Robin Ammons from district 4 and Danny Martin for post 5.

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