Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive


Published Wednesday, October 14, 1998 in the Nevada County Picayune

Marguerite Williams

Roscoe and I, along with about 200 students of the Laneburg Central School, met at the Holiday Express in Hope on Saturday afternoon for registration of the school reunion. We visited until about 6:00 and then we all went to the banquet room of the Western Sizzlin, where we enjoyed a delicious steak dinner. Thanks to Carl Gann of Hot Springs and Mary Margaret (Daniel) Ellis and Erma Sue Purtle and Joe Balls, along with several others, who did lots of hard work to get this event together. I started out helping them, but had to drop out due to illness.

Carl Gann was our emcee for the night. The first graduating class was recognized, the 50 year class, and the one who had traveled the farthest distance to get there. It was a man from Belgium, but I didn't get his name. Bro. Arlis East of Hampton was the guest speaker. He really carried Mary Margaret 'around by Lauras' and we all laughed until we cried.

Another speaker was an agri teacher, Vance Beasley, for a number of years. He was introduced by Joe Hart. I guess this man did more for Laneburg than any other teacher. He was instrumental in getting gas, electricity, water, the gym and he planted the first pine forest for the school. This was done in 1942, the year I went to school there. He also did many things too numerous to mention for the school and people of the Laneburg community. They presented Mr. Beasley with a plaque for all his good deeds.

A coach, Julius Adams, was recognized by Terrell Calhoun. Among those present were five Purtle sisters, four East sisters and one sister-in-law, four Jones sisters, and five Calhoun brothers. A great time was had by everyone and we will meet again in 2000, Lord willing! Benediction was by Bro. Wayne Langston.

Max and Ruth Hill of Dallas were home over the weekend. Ruth was a visitor in church this morning. Roscoe and I visited with them this afternoon. While we were there Logan and Marion Bailey's grandson, Larry Bailey, his wife and their children of Shreveport came by and visited a while. He had been to see his grandmother, Marion, in the nursing home in Prescott.

Jeff and Tara Carlton and children attended a family reunion of Jeff's mother's people on Saturday night at Little Bodcaw.

Joey and Ellen Wallace entertained 25 family members on Saturday night with a birthday supper for Joey's grandmother. She was 92 years young. They all enjoyed a rib and hamburger supper with all the trimmings. Ellen had a bug and did not get to church on Sunday morning.

Our Sunday night services were dismissed so Bro. Petie, Laura and P.J. could go to the bedside of Laura's Uncle Bruce Rodgers of Shreveport. Please remember him in your prayers.

Virginia Dillard stepped in a hole in her yard on Thursday afternoon and was taken to a doctor in Texarkana. She cracked a bone in her ankle and is in a wheel chair. Roscoe and I visited with them on Sunday night. Other visitors Sunday were Mary Joe Gregory and Nettie Ann Bowman. Grandson Marty Williams and wife Raegan were our guests on Sunday.

Van O'Keefe visited his mother, Valeria O'Keefe, this weekend while wife Debbie helped work on a school reunion in Prescott.

Roscoe and I had super on Wednesday night at the Cross Roads buffet with Jimmy and Booie Williams.

Ruth Vinson and I went to Magnolia Thursday afternoon. We had lunch at Marlar's Cafeteria and did some shopping.

Ashley Gains is out of the hospital and improving.

Chester Jackson's new baby is in Children's Hospital in Little Rock with pneumonia. Remember this family.

Revival is October 14-16 at 7:00 p.m.

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