Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive


Published Wednesday, October 28, 1998 in the Nevada County Picayune

Marguerite Williams

This has been another busy week, but maybe things are getting better at our house.

Roscoe had cataract surgery on the other eye on Monday in Arkadelphia. I had to take him back on Tuesday for a check up. We had lunch at the hospital and visited in the cafeteria with Paul Cooper. He was formerly from Willisville.

The A.B. Lucks' son-in-law, Harold Wise, of Benton had surgery at Baptist Medical Center in Little Rock on Thursday and is still in the hospital. He needs our prayers.

Aunt Artie Hart of Arnold Plaza Retirement Center in Hope fell this week and fractured a hip. She had surgery on Thursday in Medical Park Hospital in Hope. Roscoe and I and Bob Fairchild of North Little Rock visited her on Friday afternoon.

Bro. D.D. Fairchild has been in St. Michael Hospital in Texarkana. He came home, but will return on Tuesday and hopefully have aneurism surgery while there.

Billy Wayne Jarvis is due to have tests run this week.

Sue Dixon had tests run in Hope this week. Roscoe and I visited her on Saturday.

Dail and Marjorie Evans' daughter, Judy, of Stamps had laser gall bladder surgery at St. Michael in Texarkana Monday. Please remember all these people when you talk to the Lord.

Bro. Petie brought a very good message Sunday morning. Visitors in church today were the Bob Gresham family, Ruby Atkins of El Dorado and Bro. Hershel Wortman of Houston, Texas. Hershel and wife, Nadine, are spending the week here at their vacation home in Rosston. We are always happy to have visitors.

Dot Broussard flew to Knoxville, Tenn, where she met son, Bubba, and they went to Galtinburg, Tenn. She came home and made a trip to south Louisiana with husband, Paul, to visit his brother and relatives.

Bro. Petie will preach on Wednesday night in North Lewisville at the First Baptist Church, where they are in revival. Bro. Lane Garner is pastor. If you can't go, pray for them.

November 8 is old fashioned day at our church. This is our second time to do this. Wear your long skirts, bonnets and overalls and come on out. Lunch will be served after the morning service.

Roscoe and I and Ruth Vinson attended the revival at Bodcaw Church on Wednesday night. A.B. and Maxine Luck, Bro. Petie and Roscoe and I attended on Thursday night. Bro. A.D. Livingston of Fordyce was the evangelist and I think he can quote as many scriptures as he could when he was a young man.

Roscoe and I met a group of my classmates at Little B's in Hope on Friday night. An old classmate, Bernice Salisbury Silgrist of north Oklahoma was visiting here. After we ate, we went to the home of Clifford and Jane Cox and had refreshments. We really enjoyed reminiscing old school days.

On Sunday afternoon, Joe and Odeal Dillard and B.C. and Louise Dillard and Roscoe and I attended the beautiful 50th anniversary of Bud and Bonnie Sue Freeland at Cullendale Baptist Church in Camden.

Roscoe and I visited Bill and Pat Lusby before the party. Bill was celebrating a birthday with his family. After the party we visited Doug, Rhonda and Lindsey Morgan. They are having to redo all the inside of their house due to a leak in the water heater.

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