Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Emmet Pee Wee League Gets New Rules, Regs

Published Wednesday, November 11, 1998 in the Nevada County Picayune

There will be rules and regulations for those involved with Emmet's pee wee basketball program to follow.

Parents will also be expected to set good, positive examples for the children playing, the Emmet School Board was told at its regular monthly meeting Monday, Nov. 2.

Players will need valid excuses for missing practices, as well, or they could be removed from a team. In addition, all members of all teams must play in each game to be fair to everyone involved.

Practices will have to be worked out around Emmet Eagle team practice sessions, with pee wee coaches establishing a schedule with Emmet Coach Richard Stivers.

Emmet Superintendent Dr. Gene Ross informed the board two people have applied to be substitute teachers since the October meeting of the board. Both, he said, have worked with the district in the past in some way.

The district's freezers, he said, are filled with commodity food, as there are 117 students eligible for free lunches. In fact, the Save A Lot grocery store in Hope is storing juice for the school.

But, he said, all the food is being eaten and the district makes good use of the commodities it receives.

Dr. Ross said the district can get as much as $100,000 as an Isolated School Organization as a district with less than 350 students. However, the district is being asked to join an association at $50 per year.

Getting boundaries redrawn so the district can appoint Brenda Caraway to the board may be harder than originally thought.

Dr. Ross said the Nevada County Board of Education has asked for something in writing from the Arkansas Attorney General's Office before it will approve redrawing the boundaries for zones four and five.

An Attorney General's opinion has been sought, he said, with State Sen. Mike Ross asking for it. If the move can be made legally, Dr. Ross said, it will involve only two houses so Caraway can then be appointed.

Bids were taken on video security systems for the district's buses. DGT Alarms of Arkadelphia tendered a bid of $895 each for the cameras, along with $90 for each box and $50 for installation.

The district could get the equipment by mail order and save $150 per camera. But, the district would have to find someone to do the installation.

The board agreed to go with DTG, the company that installed the video cameras in the classrooms. The board's reasoning was DTG is more localized and could be reached if there were a problem.

In addition, the board had little idea what it would cost to have the cameras and boxes installed on the buses otherwise.

The board agreed to order three cameras and five boxes, with a box for each bus. The cameras will be rotated around, with their locations kept secret.

Elementary Principal Frank Pollock said enrollment is holding steady at 179, while high school Principal Floyd Henson said there are 118 at EHS.

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