Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Living Well

Published Wednesday, January 20, 1999 in the Nevada County Picayune

In the United States the personal-saving rate has fallen to below 4%, more than 1.3 million non-business bankruptcies were filed in 1997 and the typical American has nine credit cards with average balances totaling nearly $4,000. Consumers are facing challenges in managing their finances.

The Nevada County Cooperative Extension Service, University of Arkansas, is introducing Money 2000 and Beyond, an exciting new educational program to assist individuals and families improve their financial fitness. People who subscribe to the program will be encouraged to increase their savings and/or reduce their consumer debt.

The program could have a dramatic impact in Arkansas. If 4,000 Arkansas households reduce personal debt or save $2,000 by the end of the year 2002, the economic impact would be $8 million! Think how that could affect Nevada County!

The program begins now and continues until the end of the year 2002. Those who enroll early will have more time to achieve their financial goals. The program will focus on the primary building blocks of successful financial management.

The first step is identifying individual Money 2000 and Beyond financial goals. These goals can be saving more money, reducing debt or both.

Money 2000 and Beyond subscribers will receive a quarterly newsletter with money saving suggestions and financial management information. They may participate in seminars and presentations in a variety of settings, including work sites and community organizations.

In addition to the newsletters and seminar opportunities, subscribers receive fact sheets and worksheets to assist them in evaluating their financial situations.

There is no fee for participation in the program.

Periodically, the Cooperative Extension Service, University of Arkansas, will contact Money 2000 and Beyond subscribers to assess progress toward their financial goals. Summaries of subscribers' progress will measure the impact of the program. No personal financial information will be requested.

For further information or a Money 2000 and Beyond enrollment form, contact the Nevada County Cooperative Extension Service office at 887-2818. Become debt free by 2003!

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