Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Prescott Schools Seek Opinions

Published Wednesday, February 10, 1999 in the Nevada County Picayune


Prescott School board is out to get your opinion.

For those of you who have wanted to put in your two cents on the facility needs of the schools they would like to hear from you before the next board meeting, according to Ron Wright, superintendent of the Prescott School District.

He toured the roofs of the district's buildings after the recent wind storm to see how much damage there was. There was a lot.

The facilities are suffering from severe leaks from the recent storms. In some instances portions of the roof were torn loose and some flashing along the edges were torn up. Leaks are also being discovered around the vents and pipes protruding through the roofs.

Architects in Hot Springs are going over the blueprints to find the best plan of attack to tackle the problems. In some instances entire new roofs may have to be installed.

The board discussed the financial troubles brought on by state laws forcing teacher and staff pay raises.

Board member Jim Franks laid out possible scenarios concerning payment plans that would avoid draining the reserve monies or creating a possible $247,000 deficit.

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