Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive


Published Wednesday, February 17, 1999 in the Nevada County Picayune

Marguerite Williams

We were saddened by the death of our cousin, Bro. D.D. Fairchild, of Perrytown. He passed away Thursday morning at St. Michael Hospital in Texarkana. Funeral was Saturday afternoon at Providence Baptist Church with burial in Mt. Moriah Cemetery. Bro. George Reddin and Bro. Wayne Langston officiated. Special music was by the Dorman sisters. He pastored Providence Church for 24 years and also churches around here. He will be missed by many as he was a super person.

Berna Dee Jarvis' brother, Hershel Tye, of Magnolia passed away last week, too. Sympathy to these two families. Joe Dillard attended the funeral.

Visitors in church today were Max and Ruth Hill of Dallas and Bro. Olive Dorman. Other guests were a couple passing through Rosston, Bill and Mae Lieuwen, of Platte, S.D. They were visitors in Sunday school, too. We enjoyed them and pray they will have a safe trip home.

Lyn Dean Morman and Winnie Bailey both had cataract surgery this week. Pray they will soon be okay.

Esther Caldwell is in a Dallas hospital seriously ill.

Jim Dixon has been in St. Michael Hospital in Texarkana several days, but came home Sunday.

Remember all these sick people when you pray.

Roscoe and I had lunch on Saturday before the funeral with my brother and his wife, Billy and Minnie Ella Schmitt of Hope.

On Saturday night we had supper with Max and Ruth Hill.

On Sunday after the Daytona 500 Races we went to Western Sizzlin in Hope and ate for Valentine's Day.

Richard Kinzel is having a battle with a kidney stone. These things are so painful. Hope they can prevent surgery.

Aubrey Goodwin went back to his doctor in Texarkana this week.

I had toe surgery in Texarkana last Monday. It's still a little sore and swollen, but I can handle that. The stitches are not as easy.

Joey and Ellen Wallace, our neighbors, spent the weekend in Waco, Texas, visiting.

Maxine Luck went to three doctors in Little Rock this week and got good reports from them all.

The youth and workers of our church sponsored a Valentine banquet for us "old folks" Saturday night. Afterward the youth were served.

Aubrey Goodwin went to his doctor in Texarkana this past week and got a good report.

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