Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Club Results In Student Expulsion

Published Wednesday, February 24, 1999 in the Nevada County Picayune


The Prescott School District last week was forced to expel a tenth grade student for bringing a club on to school grounds. Ricardo Walker was expelled for bringing what by school policy is considered a deadly weapon.

Ron Wright, the district's superintendent, expressed his disappointment in being forced to ask the board to take this action. He explained how he had tried numerous times to work with the student's parent/guardian to no avail. Now the juvenile will be out of the Prescott School District for one calendar year.

Jarrod Yates, president of the state Future Business Leaders of America was present at the signing of a proclamation declaring FBLA Week. The proclamation was shown to the school board, who was very pleased that Yates represents the school so well. The proclamation will hang in the office of the FBLA state headquarters.

The board accepted a bid from a Cox Welding of Prescott for new sidewalk awnings on the Prescott Middle School campus.

The new awnings will replace present ones. In addition new awnings will be built between the building housing seventh and eighth graders to the one housing the fifth and sixth grades. It will also be in front of the building along the street where students load and unload school buses.

Next year's calendar was approved with few changes. Most changes affect the schools red tape requirements. The students will appreciate having Good Friday off though.

Jane Randolph presented an overview of the progress that the Accelerated Readers Program has made with the elementary students. During this time, she gave a basic list of areas where they have needs. She gave the board reports showing the advancements that students have made within the time they have used the positive reinforcements of the program.

The five first grade teachers introduced each of their two special readers from their classes to the board. The ten first graders read passages they had selected to the attentive members and audience.

The students were Shelbi Cottingham, Damien Watts, Haley Camp, London Cole, Merlina Osborne, Jimmy Raley, Will Brown, Ethan Pilgreen, Chelsea Tidwell, and Keondra Collier. The children brought with them a rather large crowd of proud parents to the school board meeting.

After an executive session, the board voted unanimously to rehire all three principals and the director of instruction, Hyacinth Deon for the next school year.

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