Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

County gets patrol car camera grant

By Wendy Lebetter
Published Wednesday, July 2, 2008 in the Nevada County Picayune

The Nevada County Sheriffs

Office now has cameras in three of its

four patrol cars. The additional cameras

are the result of the Edward

Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance

Grant from the Office of

Intergovernmental Services.

Nevada County Sheriff Bobby

Carlton and Nevada County

Economic Development Director

Mary Godwin announced the grant in

late June.

Carlton said the video begins as

soon as the patrol vehicle reaches a

specific speed or whenever the blue

lights are engaged. Carlton said the

cameras produce both audio and video

and can serve several purposes. For

example, the video is often used in

court to verify officer testimony.

Tapes may also be used for training

and to verify complaints of citizens

against officer conduct.

According to Carlton, the grant

money was sufficient to purchase

night vision binoculars as well.

Carlton said those are a good tool

for surveillance on suspected drug

activity as well as other situations.

We can see whats going on without

using any lights, Carlton said.

Godwin said grants that purchase

equipment such as the cameras for the

police cars are typically very competitive.

This particular grant was for

$4,500 and required a $450 match

from the county.

The grant program is named for

Edward Byrne, a New York City

policeman assigned to protect a witness

who was slated to testify against

drug dealers in 1988. He was shot by

two assailants who were later captured.

Godwin said the grant provides

money to help law enforcement agencies

meet local needs

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