Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Suitcases offer a ray of hope for children

By Wendy Ledbetter
Published Wednesday, June 11, 2008 in the Nevada County Picayune

When members of the Prescott Rotary Club

heard that children taken into foster care are

typically in dire need of clothing, they decided

to do something about it and Suitcases of

Hope was born.

The Rotary Club works with the local

Department of Health to pack the backs, usually

in small suitcases or backpacks. According to

current Rotary president Elaine Williams, the

situation was brought to the clubs attention

during a presentation by a DHS representative,

Jeff Williams.

Elaine Williams said that the club learned

that children are typically stripped as soon as

they are taken into foster care.

A lot of the time, they would have nothing

to put on that child, Williams said.

The problem facing workers is then to have

something for the child to wear until emergency

clothing can be obtained. Williams said that an

oversized t-shirt will usually solve the immediate

problem, but small children also need diapers

and larger children need underwear. And if

its cold, theres a need for socks.

While the list of needs kept growing, the

Rotary Club decided to come up with a plan to

help. Toward that end, they created the

Suitcases of Hope program. Williams said the

program was formulated after a similar program

in another county.

The goal is to provide some sense of comfort

and a few necessities for the first night a child

is taken into the foster care program. The suitcases

 often backpacks or other small bags that

can travel with the child on subsequent moves

over the coming days  are packed with a few

items of clothing, diapers or underwear, socks

and enough food for a couple of meals. The

food is usually a couple of heat and eat

meals, such as macaroni and cheese or ravioli.

Sometimes, small stuffed animals or other

items are included in an effort to add a measure

of comfort for the child.

Barbara Keeton, who works with local foster

children, said theres a continual need for foster

families. She said the Suitcases of Hope provide

those who are willing to take in children

with enough clothing and food to get through

the first night.

Recently, the Nevada County Picayune got

involved and through local donations from

Peggy Delaughter and the Courage House, provided

enough clothing, diapers and food for

more than 30 backpacks.

To make a donation, contact any Prescott

Rotary Club member or the DHS office in

Nevada County.

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