Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Families speak of loss

By Wendy Ledbetter
Published Wednesday, January 30, 2008 in the Nevada County Picayune

You married Tracy over 10 years ago. I know in your heard you know she was a good person.

Those were the words of Louise Green, speaking on behalf of shooting victim Tracy Lambert. Confessed killer Kelvin Box sat impassively as Green read from a written statement.

Green and Ann Perry, mother of victim Jerome Lambert, each addressed the court prior to sentencing. Audible weeping from all three families were heard as the statements were presented.

I loved my son, Perry said. I loved him. He never hurt no one.

I cant hardly handle it now.

Hopefully, this will bring some closure to you, Circuit Judge Duncan Culpepper said to Perry.

Green spoke to Culpepper but addressed Box and his actions.

On Aug. 11, 2007, you took the lives of two precious people, she said.

Green spoke of Tracys love for her children and her dreams for their futures. She finished with a prayer for the families of Tracy Lambert, Jerome Lambert and Kelvin Box.

All three families are still hurting, but by the grace of God, were going to handle it.

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