Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Prescott Board talks master plan

By Wendy Ledbetter
Published Wednesday, November 7, 2007 in the Nevada County Picayune

The Prescott School Board is soon to consider what should be included on the district facilities master plan for the years 2009-11. During a recent public meeting on the issue, Prescott Support Services Director David Maxwell suggested that the board remove the construction of a new cafeteria from the districts proposed projects.

The plan is a state requirement and the question of how to fund projects has recently been a problem districts face around the state. In Prescott, the district has refinanced bonds, creating an instant cash flow to address immediate needs. Prescott Superintendent Hyacinth Deon said she hopes the refinancing will also increase cash flow for coming years.

In Prescotts case, the district can generally expect that about sixty percent of the cost of a project will be picked up from the state. There are some exceptions. State funding for a ramp at McRae Middle School that would comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act was denied because the cost was lower than is typically approved.

In the case of the cafeteria, Maxwell pointed out that the cost has been estimated at $1.6 million. The district has no immediate plans for funding a project of that size. Maxwells argument for putting the project off indefinitely was that the district will be required to hire an architect to draw up plans when that project comes up on the districts master plan. He said that would be required even if the district had no financing for the construction project.

Maxwell said that putting the project off indefinitely doesnt mean that the district cant ever put a cafeteria back on their plan but would eliminate the cost of an architect. The board took no action on his suggestion and the district has until early in 2008 to submit the new master plan.

Projects recommended for 2008-09 include the renovation of the Prescott Elementary Schools sewage system at a cost of $54,672 and remodeling of the Prescott High Schools vocational building at a cost of $33,151. Both are approved by the state so the district can expect state funding at 60 percent of the cost. Maxwell recommended roofing at PHS for the capital improvement projects for 2009-10 at a total cost of almost $400,000. He said that flooring for the McRae Middle School band room has been disapproved by the state, meaning the state wont pay a share of that cost.

For 2010-11, Maxell recommended flooring of the MMS gym and remodeling of the PES classroom and large restrooms. It was in this year that the PHS cafeteria had previously been included in the districts plan but Maxwell has recommended that the project be put off indefinitely.

Maxwell said that hes also recommending that the district suspend plans for a district-wide public address system that had been slated for 2011-12. Parking at PES and MMS are among the 2012-12 plans though its not clear whether the state will help pay for those projects.

Each year, the district budgets $7,500 for work on the bleachers at Cummins Field. Maxwell said replacement of boards is an ongoing process that is required in order to maintain the districts liability insurance. Maxwell said that the district is not allowed to buy from a local market but must purchase only boards that have been certified for use on bleachers.

He suggested that the district stop the practice of purchasing wooden boards for replacement and move toward aluminum bleachers. He suggested that it can be accomplished one section at a time and that boards removed from any section can be used to replace where necessary in other sections of the bleachers. According to Maxwell, the cost of one aluminum board is about the same as a wooden board and would eliminate the constant replacement program.

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