Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

NCCA offers services, support

By Wendy Ledbetter
Published Wednesday, August 29, 2007 in the Nevada County Picayune


The word is typically sufficient to wreak fear in the heart of the person being diagnosed and the entire family network.

The Nevada County Cancer Association has services, financial aid and emotional support available for anyone in the county who is facing cancer.

Among the services are cancer outreach, testing and educational workshops. Money can be provided for the purchase of specific medications not covered by insurance and for the cost of travel to treatment appointments.

Janet McAdams, a member of the association, said providing money for traveling expenses may be what it takes to encourage a person to actually seek treatment following the diagnosis.

People may have insurance to pay for cancer treatments, said member Edie Greenwood.

But the cost of traveling to appointments can drain a familys finances.

Even if they get on an indigence program, they cant always afford gas, McAdams said.

Meanwhile, Joan Barton, also a member of the association, said some of the necessities may be available at no charge. Potty chairs, wigs, turbans, walkers and other items are often provided through the association. Barton said she is also constantly accepting donations of those items.

If I dont have it, I may be able to get it, Barton said.

While the financial support, education and items may seem vital, the cancer association offers an even bigger service - support.

Greenwood said the majority of members are either cancer survivors or have had a family member who went through a cancer diagnosis. Having someone to talk to may seem as vital as having treatment for the disease. Greenwood said that when a person is diagnosed, the cancer association can put that person in touch with someone who has first-hand knowledge of that type of cancer.

Barton said the association can also help individuals gather information needed to select an appropriate care facility, sometimes moving treatment along much more quickly.

For more information about the cancer association, or to make a tax-deductible donation, contact president Debbie Henderson at 887-2004 or Barton at 703-0158.

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