Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Ross speaks on legislative session

By Wendy Ledbetter
Published Wednesday, April 18, 2007 in the Nevada County Picayune

U.S. Congressman Mike Ross hit an array of topics during his address to those gathered to honor area citizens during the Ila Upchurch Community Corporations annual awards banquet April 14.

Ross said Congress has been out of session for two weeks. He said some members of Congress have taken that time as a vacation.

Ive given speeches and cut ribbons and kissed babies in 19 counties, he said.

Ross said several of his addresses have been at school assemblies. The reason?

We owe it to our young people to let them know that they are our future and that we expect a lot from them.

Ross talked at length about education.

In America, everybody is offered the same opportunity to get a good education, but we cant force it into anyones head.

Ross said that the changing workplace means that todays young people need a good education in order to make a living. He said that children of a few decades ago had the option to take a muscle job if they didnt have the education and skills for a brain job. In the current market place, those muscle jobs are largely accomplished in other countries. Ross said the current trend is to move many of the brain jobs to other countries as well.

Ross said hes being asked to call for English as the nations official language.

There are more young people in China today learning English that in America, Ross said. Its not because they love America. Its because they want these young peoples jobs.

Funding for education was the next topic. Ross said funding for several programs have been completely eliminated. He said he would prefer to spend a few dollars on early childhood education than to spend the money to house them in jail later.

The 2007 session began with a group of legislators vowing to accomplish several goals during the first 100 days. Ross said the session has been very busy.

Legislation thats been accomplished include an increase in the minimum wage, requirements to make the best deals for prescription drugs for seniors and adjustments to student loans.

Ross said there are some additional actions that should be taken. One of those is a new direction in the Middle East.

Ross said he believes the American soldiers should be removed from the situation and that the Iraqi government should be held accountable.

We should put Iraqis on the front line and let them start shooting at each other, Ross said.

On the subject of alternative fuels, Ross said the legislature has called for a rollback on the subsidies of major oil companies. He said funding for alternative fuel research should become a priority.

Its time for us to become energy independent, he said.

He said the dependence on oil - produced largely in the Middle East - is indirectly putting money into the hands of terrorists. The smarter step, Ross said, is to turn to ethanol which will put money into the hands of American farmers.

Ross completed his speech with a promise.

Ill never stop fighting for the values you and I were raised on and still believe in.

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