Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Quail Forever sets banquet

By Wendy Ledbetter
Published Wednesday, March 14, 2007 in the Nevada County Picayune

Quail Forever, a national organization with an eye toward preservation of quail for future generations, will hold its first banquet in Prescott March 17 at the Nevada County Fairgrounds.

Brent Talley, president of the Prescott chapter, said this is the first organized event since the groups inception.

Quail Forever was created by Pheasants Forever. The goal is conservation with an emphasis on protecting areas for the bobwhite quail.

Auctions - both live and silent - will be held in conjunction with the banquet, Talley said. Items to be auctioned include prints, knives and more. Talley said games and raffles will also be held during the event.

Unlike some national organizations with mandates for projects of the local chapters, members of Quail Forever decide for themselves how to spend their time, effort and money.

This banquet is extremely important to the future of bobwhite quail in Southwest Arkansas, said Talley. Through Quail Forevers unique structure, our chapter will decide locally how we can best use the funds we raise at this banquet to most effectively impact quail here in our community. We have the support of a national organization with the ability to make an impact locally.

Barbecue is at the top of the menu for the event.

Proceeds from the banquet and auction will be used to fund the groups activities. Tickets are available in advance or at the door but seating is limited. The cost of a ticket is $40 and includes membership in the Quail Forever. A spouses ticket may be added for $15.

For more information, contact Talley at 845-7980 or Gary Lewis at 887-5857.

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