Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Chamber seeks citizen of the year nominees

By Wendy Ledbetter
Published Wednesday, January 17, 2007 in the Nevada County Picayune

The Prescott-Nevada County Chamber of Commerce is seeking nominations for Citizen of the Year. The designation is granted to an individual who has significantly contributed to Nevada County.

According to Mary Godwin, executive director of the chamber, the nominations are held confidential and a chamber committee selects the winner. That winner will be announced during the annual chamber banquet, slated for March.

Anyone can submit, Godwin said. Nominees must reside in Nevada County or have a business here.

Nominees are ranked in ten categories, Godwin said. Family, city, county, state, national affairs, church, fraternal, industrial and educational activities are considered by the selection committee.

To make a nomination, send a letter to the chamber. Godwin said letters may be dropped by the office or mailed to the chamber at P.O. Box 307 in Prescott.

The letter should address as many of the areas of service as are applicable, Godwin said. While a person may be nominated with service in any area, service in multiple areas is more likely to catch the attention of the committee, according to Godwin.

Another important point is that the selection committee will consider a person with a single nomination. Godwin said it doesnt help the nominees chances to have multiple nominations submitted.

The deadline for submission is Feb. 28. Godwin said the date of the banquet has not yet been determined, but that the event traditionally coincides with the local schools spring break week - slated for March this year. This years banquet will include a guest speaker, as yet to be determined.

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