Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Brown, Steed commdent on retirements

By Wendy Ledbetter
Published Wednesday, December 20, 2006 in the Nevada County Picayune

Nevada County Judge James Roy Brown and Nevada County Circuit Clerk Carolyn Steed were honored with a joint retirement reception on Dec. 15. Several dozen community members turned out to wish each of the public servants well.

Its a bitter-sweet day, Steed said.

She said she decided not to see re-election to her office more than a year ago. When she made that decision, the time when shed actually leave office seemed far away, she told those gathered at the courthouse for the reception.

Now its here.

Steed has been an employee of the county for 36 years and has been circuit clerk for 14 of those. She said she has served in the tax collectors office and as a deputy in the circuit clerks office.

Steed cited the loyalty and dedication of her staff and said shes ready to pass the responsibilities of the office to those deputies and to her successor - Rita Reyenga.

Steed said she plans to take it easy, but friends presented her with a travel bag for the trips she hopes to take after she leaves office.

Brown, who has spent the past decade in the county judges office, was openly emotional. He said fishing and hunting are two of the big pastimes that appeal to him, and that he plans to spend plenty of time doing both. He said he may look for some volunteer opportunities and didnt rule out the possibility of finding another job at some future date.

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