Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

JPs talk bonuses at final 2006 meeting

By Wendy Ledbetter
Published Wednesday, December 20, 2006 in the Nevada County Picayune

Members of the Nevada County Quorum Court met Dec. 11 with a brief agenda and spent the final moments of the meeting recognizing those members who were in attendance for their final meeting. Those include justices of the peace Carolyn Holloman, George Cleary and Arval Mason, and Nevada County Judge James Roy Brown.

In regular business, JPs discussed the countys annual operating budget which includes bonuses for all county employees.

It was another tough year, said JP Bob Cummings who is a member of the countys budget committee.

He said there were some difficult decisions, but the budget committee ended the meeting with what they believe to be a workable plan. That plan includes $600 bonuses for all fulltime employees who were on the payroll as of Dec. 1. Any employee who did not work a full year will be given a pro rated share of the $600. Part time employees - including the JPs - will get a $50 bonus.

The only other major change recommended by the budget committee is an increase in the charge for copies.

Were recommending that copies go up to $1, Cummings said.

The current cost is 25 cents per page. Cummings pointed out the cost of paper, ink and the copiers themselves. He said many of the pages being copied are legal-sized pages and that several other counties already charge $1 per page. The quorum court took action on the recommendation, making it official with a unanimous vote.

Following the meeting, Cummings said the countys financial condition is improving due to careful spending over the past year.

As the regular business concluded, Cummings presented a plaque to Nevada County Judge James Roy Brown who did not seek re-election.

Its been hard enough for me to get through this meeting, Bob, Brown said. I appreciate you all.

On the subject of retirements, each of the three JPs who are leaving office effective Dec. 31 were honored with a framed resolution. In the case of Cleary and Mason, the resolutions state the number of years in office and an appreciation for their service. Holloman took office about a year ago following the death of her husband - Leo Holloman - who died before his term was completed. The resolution presented to Carolyn Holloman recognized her husbands 11 years of service and her willingness to complete his term.

Mason was not re-elected to his seat, but his successor - E.Z. Sonny Buster - died before he could take office. Brown said in November that as a person qualified to hold the seat, Mason could continue as a JP through the next term. Brown said that the law indicates that Mason will now be called on to serve another two years unless he resigns the seat.

Mason has still not made an announcement as to whether he will continue on the court or offer a resignation.

Members of the quorum court will meet Jan. 2 to set meeting dates for the next two years. County judge-elect Baker Butler will preside over that meeting as one of his first duties as judge.

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