Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive |
Federal funds explained to local school boardBY JOHN MILLERPublished Wednesday, November 9, 2005 in the Nevada County Picayune Prescotts School Board was informed how federal funds work and how they can be spent. This was done at the annual meeting in October, with Kathie Janes, federal programs coordinator, providing the explanations. The Prescott School District receives Title I, Title II-A, Title II D, Title IV-A, Title V and Title VI federal funds, though Title VI money comes from the state. These monies are primarily used to help underprivileged and handicapped students. Janes said all of the Titled funds were reduced this year, meaning the district has less federal money to use locally. This, she told the Board, comes at a time when more is expected from public schools under the No Child Left Behind law. Breaking the money down by the different ways it can be used, Janes began with Title I funds. These monies, she said, can be used where needed by the district. Locally they are used in the elementary school to support students. The district will spend $246,905 at the school level, as the Title I money can be used to help all students, not just low-income ones. There are 12 paraprofessionals at Prescott Elementary School, with each one being assigned to two teachers, with the exception of fourth grade math. The Title I money has been used to build a parent center at PES, and purchase materials and supplies for the center. It will also be spent on materials and supplies for staff and students for professional learning communities. Title II-A funds are allocated primarily at McRae Middle School, with $59,000 being spent to support the schools literacy lab. The rest of the money, about $12,000 will be used for materials, supplies, employee salaries and benefits. Under Title II-D, 25 percent of the money is for technology training and staff development. The rest will be spent on materials and supplies. The Title IV-A funds are used to support a non-violent, drug-free curriculum in grades K-12. Prescott is using a program called Voices of Love and Freedom. The money will be split between the three guidance counselors offices and used, in part, for health services at each campus. At PES, the program, Learning for Life will be implemented for the first and second grade. This program is sponsored, in part, by the Boy Scouts of America. Title V funds will be spend on instructional materials at Prescott High School, and for a laptop computer for the art history and appreciation class. Funds from Title VI will be used to support the districts tutoring programs. The money will be used for salaries and benefits for the tutors. Tutoring at PES and MMS will be Tuesdays and Thursdays. PES started its tutoring program in September and has targeted students in the third and fourth grades. MMS will start tutoring this month. Search | Nevada County Picayune by date | Gurdon Times by date |
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