Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

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CAPS works on free lunch issue

Published Wednesday, November 9, 2005 in the Nevada County Picayune

Committees for CAPS (Concerned Adults-Prescott Schools) dont seem to be doing much.

Bobbi Brown, spokesman for CAPS, said at this time only the agri committee seems to have anything going on. This was at a CAPS meeting Thursday, Nov. 3, at Prescott High School.

Billie Haynie said she has talked with Jason Himes about EAST Lab projects. These projects are done, basically for nothing except the cost of materials and supplies. Students in the program are working on several projects at this time.

Haynie, who is involved with the Quiz Bowl team, said she isnt sure where the team will compete next, but informed those present the junior high regional contest will be in Prescott, while the senior high competition will be in Morrilton. Weve talked about spending the night there. Its a three-hour drive.

Brown said there will be a presentation made by a former employee of NASA. The presentation will either be for the math and science departments or for the entire school in an assembly.

This event will be held Nov. 22, with a space suit used in extra-vehicular excursions (EXEs) on shuttle missions. While the program will be held at PHS, no time has been set yet.

In addition, the English Department has asked for assistance from CAPS members. What is needed, Brown said, is someone to help the teacher with chores, such as running errands and making copies. I hope the committees get involved and help.

Tutoring has begun at McRae Middle School. The tutoring sessions are being held Tuesday and Thursday afternoons once school lets out. Brown said she will be going to the senior adult center and churches looking for people who can help with the tutoring. MMS is on probation. Well see whos available.

The parent-teacher conferences went well, according to Brown. CAPS attempted to have tables at all three campuses during the conferences, but was unable to find volunteers to man them at Prescott Elementary School.

Lunch surveys were handed out at the conferences, and also in classes. When the surveys are returned, she said, the information will be examined and recommendations made.

In addition, applications for free and reduced lunches were handed out at the conferences. The idea is to get as many students as possible signed up, whether they take advantage of the program or not, so the school can receive more money.

Id like to have more (CAPS) members at school board meetings, Brown said. Its important to be there. People also need to talk to their representatives on the Board.

Willie Wilson, dean of students at PHS, said the Just For Kids Day, scheduled for Nov. 15 from 6-8 p.m. at the PES activity room, will show model schools similar to Prescott in demographics doing good things.

Prescott, he said, did not make the remediation list and this shows the ACT scores are in line. Our grades are not inflated. When PHS graduates go to college 85-90 percent dont need remediation, but those are students who take the college prep courses. They are prepared for college.

The next meeting for CAPS will be Nov. 17.

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