Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive |
Fair Board ponders changesBY JOHN MILLERPublished Wednesday, September 21, 2005 in the Nevada County Picayune Ch-ch-ch-changes, as the song goes, will be a given for the 2006 Nevada County Fair. At its monthly meeting, the Nevada County Fair Board discussed several possible changes for next years fair and rodeo in an effort to eliminate some of the problems from this year. One of the problems was gate workers. There were periods when no one was at the gates and people walked in free. It was suggested members of the Fair Board work the gates during the fair, with the proceeds going into the Boards operating budget. Also, there were problems with gate passes, as some of the passes wound up in the hands of people who didnt need them. There was also discussion about doing away with the talent show. For the past two years only two groups have entered, though several trophies were purchased. Vickie McLelland suggested doing things like the Prescott-Nevada County Chamber of Commerce does for the Chicken and Egg Festival setting up a flatbed trailer and letting local groups perform. People, she said, could bring their lawn chairs for the event. Ruby Wicker said she is redoing the point system in the books to make it more equitable for those who enter plants, horticulture, canned goods and arts and crafts. Currently, a person who enters a tomato in the fair can earn the same amount of points as a person who enters canned tomatoes. The one doing the canning, she added, has to do more work. Board President Rebecca Holley said there may not be a carnival next year. This year it cost the Board to have the midway, and the carnies left the fairgrounds trashy. She added the man with the mechanical bull wont be back either, as he didnt like how things went. He also claimed he didnt make anything and left without paying the $150 he had promised. In January, representatives from the Fair Board will be going to Hot Springs to talk to carnival companies about coming to the Nevada County Fair, Carol Tyree, Board treasurer, said. But, part of the problem with getting a carnival to come to Prescott is the fair is small and the companies cant make much money. Instead of a carnival, Holley said, there could be different games and events put on by local clubs, groups and organizations. This way, the money made would stay in Prescott. Clark Crellin suggested having a contest for making the best homemade ice cream. If theres no carnival, Holley said, the fair can be moved from the end of August to early or mid September. The main reason the fair has been in August has been this is the only time a carnival could be had. There was also talk about moving the pageants from Thursday and Saturday nights to the first Saturday of the fair so the queens could reign during the fair. The rodeo, which was a big success this year, could be moved to the final Saturday. Crellin said the Board could have giveaways during the final night of the fair to get the crowd to show up. Local businesses could be solicited for donations, and patrons would have to have their tickets and be present to see who won. On the topic of insurance, Tyree said she initially went through Glass Insurance, but got a better quote from Alliance Insurance, and went with them. This saved the Board several hundred dollars. When we set the fair dates Ill call Alliance again. The Nevada County Fair Association has $7,200 in its construction budget through a grant. The Board has two years to use this money. Possible projects include expanding the show arena and extending the covering for the bidders during the livestock premium sale. Niki Brzeski has taken over doing the fair book for 2006. She asks those making changes to get them done quickly and get them to her so she can begin working on the book. Holley said questions were raised about the Herdsman Award. This award is presented to the person showing livestock who keeps their area up and clean. However, the person showing the animal(s) must do the work in order to be eligible for the award, it cant be members of their family or their friends. If others do the work, she said, they wont be considered. Getting back to the carnival company, which was Candyland Amusements this year, several members said the carnival workers were less than clean in their personal habits and left messes in the restrooms. Should there be a carnival next year, port-a-potties may be rented for the carnies. Crellin said there needs to be more community participation in the fair. Some possible games and contests talked about included the ice cream contest, a dunking booth, lemonade, a Bingo night and a jail and bail. The Board issued thanks to Tom Blevins for providing the meat for the premium sale buyers, and giving a discount on the belt buckles given to the winners. The Board will next meet on Oct 10. At this meeting, new officers will be elected for the coming year. Those interested in being an officer need to be at the meeting. Search | Nevada County Picayune by date | Gurdon Times by date |
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