Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Bluff City

Jerry McKelvy
Published Wednesday, March 24, 1999 in the Nevada County Picayune

Everyone enjoyed the beautiful weather last Sunday. I believe spring is finally here to stay.

Congratulations to Jennifer Hildebrand, daughter-in-law of Rex and Sandra Hildebrand, for winning the country music contest in Branson last week. Rex and Sandra had planned to attend the show, but were stranded in Harrison due to heavy snows that weekend. They reported that the hills were beautiful covered with snow.

Laverne Green had a brief visit from daughter, Gail, and her family last week. They stopped by on a trip further north to visit other relatives.

The Bluff City Church of Christ will be engaged in a gospel meeting March 28 through March 31 with Bro. Ed Todd of Stephens doing the preaching. Services will be at 6 p.m. on Sunday and 7 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. Everyone is invited to attend.

Kay Nelson reports that their new llama, named Larry, and their donkey, named Clyde, do not get along well and must be kept in separate pastures. Kay says they only name their 'special' animals.

This week's thought is from Vic Gold: "The squeaky wheel doesn't always get the grease. Sometimes it gets replaced."

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