Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

CAPS agrees with committee on handbook changes at PHS

Published Wednesday, August 3, 2005 in the Nevada County Picayune

There was agreement between two handbook committees, with all involved agreeing on what needs to be done.

The committees, one from the Prescott School District and the other from representatives of CAPS (Concerned Adults-Prescott Schools), met before the Prescott School Boards regular July meeting. They discussed changes needing to be made, including the districts need to deal with head wear.

Rita Shaw, during the July 26 CAPS meeting, was one of the CAPS members to meet with the districts handbook committee. She said there is a problem at Prescott High School with hats. The CAPS representatives initially wanted to do away with all head wear, but it was pointed out students wear toboggans during the winter, and some students eat their lunches outside.

What was agreed on was no head wear would worn inside the buildings. This includes hats, caps, headbands, do-rags and toboggans. However, students can wear hooded garments (such as sweatshirts), but the hoods cannot be on their heads while indoors.

The cell phone issue was also discussed by the two groups. The final agreement was cell phones arent allowed, and students caught with them will be given three days of In School Suspension (ISS) on the first offense. The second offense will result in the student being suspended. Shaw said all offenses turned in by teachers are to be recorded on computer and kept track of.

Todd Richards, moderator for CAPS, said the group is in its infancy and more parents and interested people need to attend the meetings.

Billie Haynie, CAPS member, said it will be up to David Maxwell, assistant principal, to keep up with the computer work. To help do this, two people have been hired to help out in the PHS office.

Bobbie Brown, another CAPS member, said she met with PHS Principal Carroll Purtle and Willie Wilson, PHS dean of students, who were receptive to CAPS and what the parents are trying to do. They agreed there were problems last year because he (Purtle) and Wilson were both out. Purtle had back surgery, and later there was a problem with his wifes pregnancy which kept him out of the office. Wilson had surgery on his Achilles tendon. Maxwell, she said, was in his first year and did the best he could.

We need to put last year behind us and go forward, she said.

Richards said the PHS administration agrees it had a bad year and didnt sugarcoat anything. We brought up the fact we want the staff to be able to come to them, and for them to tell teachers how they should be doing things. Theres been a lack of communication by everyone involved.

According to Brown, they also discussed how students behave during assemblies. There have been complaints about some students being disruptive and rude while people are trying to speak to them. Brown said Wilson and Purtle want parents to attend the assemblies and promise to crack down on the behavior problems for the coming year.

PHS will be setting up advisory committees to help with classes, Brown said. CAPS members have been invited and encouraged to be part of this. The parents, she said, can help out, working in areas they have experience or expertise. Some can work with remedial reading, while others may be able to help out in the more advanced courses.

I think the committees will help, Richards said. The Prescott School District requires more credits to graduate than the state does. I think were going in the right direction and theyre addressing the problems.

The advisory boards will help improve communication between the parents and teachers, said Clark Crellin, CAPS member. It would be nice to know whos on what committee at least two weeks before school starts and what the limitations are.

Richards agreed to look into this and bring his findings before CAPS at its next meeting, which will be at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Aug. 2, in the PHS lobby.

Shaw said they also discussed the possibility of going to school uniforms. Were going to look into it. Were researching services where people can rent uniforms. The district wants CAPS involved.

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