Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Room needed for NCSO offices

Published Wednesday, July 20, 2005 in the Nevada County Picayune

Every three or four months the Nevada County Jail gets inspected.

Basically, said Nevada County Judge James Roy Brown, the inspection and results are the same  there isnt enough space for the administration and staff to function properly. He informed the Nevada County Quorum Court of this at its July meeting.

Because of this, Brown has been in contact with the Southwest Arkansas Development Council (SWADC) about the building located across the street from the Nevada County Sheriffs Office. The Literacy Council currently occupies the building and doesnt need all of the space.

Brown said he will try to get the building back for the county, let the Literacy Council have the room it needs, and use the rest for the NCSOs needs. The jailers and the 9-1-1 emergency telephone system equipment will remain in the current NCSO building.

This would help out, he said. We could prolong the building where the jail is.

Under new business, Brown said Hempstead County sent Nevada County a bill for juvenile intake for more than the county budgeted for juvenile intake. We need to transfer funds, he said. This happens every year, and we usually have the money for it.

The Court transferred $1,300 into the juvenile intake budget to cover the bill.

The final item of business concerned mileage  specifically the Nevada County Coroners mileage. Hell run out of money, Brown said. I dont know what hell do when the Court says it wont pay for mileage.

According to Brown, the coroner, Gary Hicks, was worried about having body bags three or four months ago. Brown found and purchased some through the federal distribution system for about 1/3 the normal price.

Members of the Court asked how much the county paid for mileage and were told about 36 cents a mile. Following a short debate, the panel voted not to pay the coroners mileage.

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