Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Identification Needed When Voting

Published Wednesday, September 15, 1999 in the Nevada County Picayune

Arkansas voting in future elections will be required to show a valid identification card, though failure to present a card will not prohibit them from casting their ballots.

In a joint announcement, Secretary of State Sharon Priest, Nevada County Clerk Julie Stockton and County Election Commissioners Davis Benton, Marguerite Tomlin and Ken Karmel, said voters must now present a valid form of identification when they go to the polls to vote due to recent changes in election laws.

The types of identification include a driver's license, a photo I.D. card issued by a governmental agency or an employer, a voter card, a Social Security card, a U.S. Passport, an Arkansas hunting license or a U.S. military I.D. card.

If voters cannot provide identification, they will still be allowed to vote by signing the precinct voter list. The election official will note on the list that the voter provided no I.D. All voters must sign this list in each election.

The new laws also changed the deadlines for absentee voting.

Completed applications for absentee ballots must now be delivered to the county clerk by the voter or a designated bearer no later than the close of business on the day before the election. Authorized agents may deliver the application, along with an affidavit, no later than 1:30 p.m. on election day.

Completed absentee ballots must be delivered.

Absentee ballot applications are valid for one election cycle, which includes the election and any run-off that may occur for voters who reside within the county  except for disabled voters and those in long-term care.

The applications are valid for one year for voters who reside outside the county in which they are registered to vote. This would affect military personnel and overseas voters.

The National Voting Rights Act of 1993 altered the voter registration system, making it necessary for states to create safeguards to protect the voting process and voters, according to the election officials.

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