Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Magical Moments made at Chamber Banquet

Published Wednesday, April 14, 2004 in the Nevada County Picayune

Magical moments were made and shared at the annual Prescott-Nevada County Chamber of Commerce Banquet Tuesday, April 6.

One of those moments was the naming of the Citizen of the Year, and this year the award went to Rob Hill, with KHPA radio. Hill, however, wasn't present, but on vacation in Hawaii.

However, Mary Godwin, executive director of the Chamber, videotaped a surprised Hill at the radio station in Hope. As Hill said, he was speechless, which is unusual for him. "There are many who are more deserving of this than I," he said. "It's a huge honor. I think of those before and I don't measure up. Prescott and Nevada County are special to me and my family. We're fortunate to live and work in such a community."

Hill has lived in the area 46 years, graduating from Prescott High School in 1962. While in high school he worked at KTPA radio, and returned to Prescott in 1966 after college. Upon his return, he worked in sales at the station, and with Harold Sudbury, built KHPA.

Hill moved to Blytheville in 1988, coming back to Prescott in 1991. He has been president of the board of directors at Medical Park Hospital, on the state Physical Therapy Board, a member of the Prescott Booster Club and the Kiwanis Club.

He and his wife, Janice, have been married 36 years.

The awards were kicked off with the Chamber's Past President, Michael Jimerson, being recognized. "It's been a privilege and an honor to serve the past year on the board and as president," he said.

Jimerson said the job was made easier by all the people who are behind the scenes, especially Godwin, Carol Newton and Jon Chadwell. "It's easy to do the job when you live in a great community like this.

Kevin and Janet Sanford were honored as the Farm Family of the Year.

The Treasure of Gold Award went to Dick Bright, who chose not to make an acceptance speech.

The Business Leadership Award went not to a "normal" business, but an organization that helps others to be able to help themselves. Chamber President Joe Graham said everyone is thankful to have this organization in the community. The award went to the Nevada Recycling Center and Nevada Day Service Center, with Prissy Traczewitz and Elaine Williams accepting the plaque.

"We have a great team," was Traczewitz's comment.

The organization began in 1975 with 12 local citizens working to help the handicapped. They set a long-range goal to establish a Day Service Center. This was done in four months, with the center opening in Aug. 1976 with 26 clients.

Local schools contacted the center to help students who weren't capable of meeting the requirements of mainstream education. Additionally, all work done is at no cost to the family.

In an effort to help handicap adults, the Nevada Recycling Center was established. This not only helps the handicapped, but provides an outlet for recycling different materials, including paper, cardboard, plastic and aluminum.

Former Miss Arkansas Jessie Ward established the Student of the Year Award in 2003, recognizing the efforts of students in the county's three school districts. While she wasn't able to attend the banquet due to conflicts with her college schedule, her mother, Karen Ward, presented the plaques.

Natasha Smith was the winner from Emmet, while David Williams took the award for Nevada. Prescott's Megan Vandiver was also a winner.

Mendy Loe was named Teacher of the Year for Emmet. Loe was selected by teachers with the Emmet District.

She has been teaching kindergarten there for four years, and was called an asset to the system by Emmet Superintendent Dr. Gene Ross, who said she would do anything necessary to help the students.

Loe thanked her co-workers and family, saying she loves what she does and everyone at Emmet.

Frances McAfee, wife of Nevada Superintendent Rick McAfee, won the honor for the Nevada School District.

It was said she has the rare ability to get children excited and ready to succeed, and will help out in any way she can. She encourages students to enter art contests, with several winning awards for their work, and organizes community activities.

McAfee is the cheerleader sponsor, junior class sponsor and mentor to two teachers.

For Prescott, the award went to Shannon Henderson and was presented by Hyacinth Deon, Prescott superintendent.

Deon said Henderson is analytic, dutiful, competent, wise, respected and is an ideal teacher who makes the difference in the lives of the children.

Henderson, she said, possesses excellent personal qualities and practices classroom management while utilizing a variety of instructive strategies. She also monitors the children's work and tries to meet their needs.

"Prescott Elementary School is lucky to have a kindergarten teacher like this," Deon said of Henderson.

"I feel like I'm on the Price is Right," Henderson said when accepting the plaque. "I love what I do and try to teach the children to do and be the very best they can."

The banquet opened with the auction, which, according to Godwin, raised around $3,400. This money will be used to help pay for other Chamber-related events throughout the year.

More than 50 items were auctioned off. At one point, a pellet gun was auctioned off and purchased by State Sen. Percy Malone, who promptly gave it back, stipulating only children could bid on it the second time around. This not only brought cheers, but laughter as the audience reveled in watching the youngsters bid on it. It sold for more the second time around than the first.

Entertainment was provided by Encore, the singing and dancing troupe from Southern Arkansas University of Magnolia. The college students kept the audience on its toes, especially when the performers ventured into the crowd for a little "audience participation".

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