Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Operation Care Package begins to help area soldiers

Published Wednesday, April 16, 2003 in the Nevada County Picayune

Operation Care Package is an effort to gather and send items needed by American troops to them.

Mary Godwin, executive director of the Prescott-Nevada County Chamber of Commerce, said the idea is to send these items to those soldiers from Nevada County and the surrounding area.

At this time, though, the names and military addresses of local and area soldiers are needed. "We're depending on local citizens to provide us with their names and addresses," Godwin said.

Anyone with a relative in the service who is serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom can call the Chamber at 887-2101 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Donations may also be dropped off at the Chamber, and, Godwin said, every little bit helps.

Once the items are gathered, they will be packaged up and shipped to the soldiers. Godwin said help with the postage will also be needed in this project.

The packages, she said, will be shipped via Priority Mail, but will take two weeks to get to Iraq.

Students in the fourth grade at Prescott Elementary School have been writing letters to send to the soldiers. These will also be included in the packages.

Godwin said if possible, extra items will be sent so the local soldiers can share them with their comrades in arms.

Brandi Karlovec is working with Godwin and the Chamber on this project. She said a rally for the soldiers will be held Tuesday, May 6, on the Nevada County Courthouse lawn, from 6-8 p.m.

This rally, Karlovec said, will be the finale' to Operation Care Package, and donations can be made at this time as well. People can also submit the names of soldiers from the area at the rally.

The keynote speaker will be from the Arkansas National Guard, and veterans from all branches of the military services will be recognized.

There will be entertainment, including the Artesian Arts League Chorus, Karen Richards, Karlovec and others.

Those planning to attend the rally should bring their lawn chairs. Refreshments will be available from the Prescott Lion's Club.

In case it rains on May 6, Karlovec said, the rally will be held in the Potlatch Building, so the lawn chairs will still be needed.

Anyone wanting to participate in the rally, Karlovec said, should call her at 887-1364. There will be no admission for the event.

The packages, Godwin said, will be assembled on May 8 and shipped out. Volunteers are needed to help get the packages together. Anyone wanting to help should be at the Chamber office at 9 a.m. on this day.

Photos will be taken at the rally and sent to the local and area soldiers in the care packages to show how the folks back home are supporting their efforts.

Items needed for the packages include: disposable razors, wet wipes, toothbrushes, toothpaste, tissues, shampoo, conditioner, sunscreen, baby wipes, hand lotion, lip balm, cotton swabs, sewing kits, playing cards, compact discs, pre-paid global calling cards, sporting goods, shoe polish kits, individually wrapped candies, beef jerky, chips in a can, black socks, band aids, antibiotic cream, eye drops, envelopes, magazines (new or used), pens, writing pads, deodorant, hand sanitizer, mouthwash, soap and tweezers.

Other items the soldiers could use include: batteries of all sizes, soft toilet paper, travel games, crossword puzzles, books/novels, shoe insoles, cotton balls, combs, brushes, stamps, disposable cameras, plastic bags, duct tape, aspirin/ibuprofen, mini-flashlights, foot powder, granola bars and condiment packages.

Area residents, Godwin said, are being asked to show their support for our men and women in the service by pitching in and helping out with Operation Care Package.

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