Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive


Published Wednesday, September 15, 1999 in the Nevada County Picayune

Some of this news is from Labor Day, as we had to get our news in early.

JoAnn Lakes and family visited Eva and Mary Jones Friday.

Jimmy and Anita Maxwell visited grandmother Grace Tyree one evening.

Kay Nelson, Scotty Cox and Olen Kelly visited Helen Kelly Labor Day.

Bob Pounds visited Louise Pounds this week.

Shirley and Kevin Nicholson of Little Rock and Cotton Hastings visited their mother, Myrtle Hastings, over the weekend.

Roscoe and Marguarite Williams of Rosston visited Veneta Bustin this week.

Frank and Gail Gabler of Bella Vista visited Ohel Daniells one evening this week.

Opal Kneedson of Waco, Texas, and Angie Tillman visited Louise Hale over the weekend.

Our church service for Sept. 5 was with Bodcaw Baptist Church. We sure enjoyed them. Thank you so much.

Our prayers go out to Glendene Haynie, who is in Wadley Hospital. We wish her well.

We would like to say we appreciate Bro. Eric Barbaree who is so faithful to come out every Sunday morning for our devotional.

We would like to thank Glenda Westmoreland and Olen Kelly for coming out on Labor Day to help our residents with dominoes.

Joseph and William Brecker of St. Louis visited Grace Tyree.

Visiting Louise Presson this week was her son, Jerry Presson, and Shirley Brown.

Visiting several this week were Helen Harrison and Fran Arnold of Little Rock.

Bradice Wicker visited Mollie Owens, Ohel Daniells and Venetta Bustin this week.

Dorothy Grimes is always a welcome face here as she visits often.

Anita Maxwell and Nolan Rogers visited their grandmother, Grace Tyree, one evening.

We were happy to have the group from Mt. Moriah to sing for us on Thursday evening. We sure did enjoy them.

We only have one birthday this week, it is Hes Thomas on the 13th.

We are sorry to report Grannie' Myrtle Hastings fell last week and broke her arm.

We have a new resident this week. She is Irene Cornelius. We welcome her and hope to make her feel at home.

Nancy Burke visited Sherrill Young on Friday.

We were happy to have the Laneburg Baptist Church on Sunday, the 12th. Thanks for your wonderful service and as always we enjoyed it.

Two of our residents were able to go home. They are Helen Kelly and Lois Duke.

Visiting Esther Reese on Saturday were two of her sisters, Louise Stinett from Gurdon and Bernice, and her daughter from Shreveport, La.

Mary Jones spent the weekend in Benton with relatives.

Maxine Ledbetter's guest this week were Delia Pittman and Nellie Jewel Edwards.

Annie Feris visited Hester Stephens one evening this week.

Visiting Estell Yancy and Gladys Hawley on Sunday morning were Janice Carter.

James, Peggy, Janis and Dale visited their daddy, Noel Cummings, Sunday.

Bob Steed and his wife visited his mother, Ina Steed.

Those visiting Lois Piggee, Mariah Burks and Oscar Hopson Sunday afternoon were Bro. and Mrs. Fred Walters and Bro. and Mrs. Eugene Toney.

Anneta Baldwin from Marshal, Texas, visited her mother, Carman Hendrix, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Carman from Bluff City visited his mother, Ethel Carman, Saturday.

Jo DeWoody from Gurdon spent Thursday with her Aunt Lillian Terrell.

Edward Bloomfield from Springfield, Mo., spent the weekend with his Aunt Clara McCain.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wright from Hot Springs visited her mother, Carolyn Gilbert, and her Aunt Gladys McSwain this weekend.

Frankie Fitzhugh from Rosston, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Nichols from El Dorado, Polly Gulley from White Oak and Marion McNealy from Arkadelphia visited Minnie Moore this weekend.

Irene Wicker's guests Sunday were Sharyn Dycus, her daughter and two grand children from Glenwood, and Gilbert Wicker from Emmet.

Carrie Vandiver had a visit from her daughter, Chelsa, and her mother-in-law, Ann Vanderver.

Beth Anderson visited Irene Riley one evening last week.

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Newspaper articles have been contributed to the Prescott Community Freenet Association as a "current history" of our area. Articles dated December 1981 through May 2001 were contributed by Ragsdale Printing Company, Inc. Articles June 2001 to ? were contributed by Better Built Group, Inc. Articles ? to October 2008 were contributed by GateHouse Media.

Ownership of all Nevada County Picayune content from the beginning of the newspaper, including predecessors, until May 2001 was contributed by the John and Betty Ragsdale family to the Prescott Community Freenet Association. Content on this site may not be archived, retransmitted, saved in a database, or used for any commercial purpose without express written permission. Web hosting by and presentation style copyright ©1999-2009 Danny Stewart