Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Prescott board approves tuition agreement with Hpe for students in ALE classes

Published Wednesday, March 5, 2003 in the Nevada County Picayune

A tuition agreement between Hope and Prescott was approved by the Prescott School Board at its regular meeting Tuesday, Feb. 25.

Prescott Superintendent Hyacinth Deon said there are some students in the district who are sent to the ALE school at Garland in Hope.

The last student sent, she said, had a problem with truancy, with the student's mother asking her child be sent to Garland so the student could finish high school.

The board agreed to enter into the tuition agreement, with Prescott to be charged on a per diem basis.

There wasn't much other business conducted by the board.

Two instructors were approved for out-of-state travel. Pat Roberts was granted permission to attend the National Education Association convention in Florida, and Karen McKinnon was approved to attend the storytelling guild meeting at Fort Worth, Texas.

One out-of-state trip was tabled by the board. Larry Newsom and Jody Cowart had asked to be allowed to attend a coaches clinic in Mississippi.

Jeff Haynes, a member of the board, suggested a stipulation be made in this case, with the stipulation being the two coaches sign their contracts with the district before the trip is approved.

The clinic is scheduled for May 16-18, and this issue will be addressed at the board's March meeting.

The only other item of business was the adoption of music textbooks for Prescott Elementary School.

Deon said approval was needed, but it doesn't mean the books will be bought. The book being considered is K-4 Music by McGraw-Hill.

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