Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Three nabbed for Wolves break-in; all charged with felonies

Published Wednesday, September 18, 2002 in the Nevada County Picayune

An attempt to cash in stolen coins resulted in the arrest of three Prescott men in connection with the break in at Wolves Diner.

Keon Sockwell, 18, Recordo Walker, 20, and Terry Woodley, 19, have all been charged with commercial burglary and theft of property.

These are class C felonies, each carrying a sentence of from 3-10 years in prison and a fine not to exceed $10,000.

According to court records, Ron and Kelia Murphy, owners of Wolves Diner, reported a break in to the Prescott Police Department.

Detective Morris Irvin responded, and found a plate glass window had been broken out. This is how the trio allegedly gained entry into the business.

He was informed a jar filled with corroded pennies, nickels and quarters had been taken, along with a gumball machine, a compact disc player, stereo receiver, compact discs, stuffed animals and a baseball bat.

An unnamed citizen found one of the stuffed animals and told officers about it, saying it was found at the home of Recordo Walker.

A warrant was obtained and search made of the Walker home. Walker's brother, Rodney, was there at the time and initially placed under arrest as a possible suspect.

Rodney Walker told officers he, his brother, Sockwell and Rasheed Block had been watching television at the Walker home when Recordo and Sockwell decided to go for a walk.

When they returned about two hours later, Rodney Walker said, he told officers he saw a lot of pennies and four stuffed animals in Recordo's room.

Recordo Walker allegedly admitted to the crime when questioned by officers. However, Sockwell has denied all involvement.

According to records, Recordo Walker said Woodley, Sockwell and

Block were at Wolves during the break in and theft.

He reportedly told officers how the machine with the stuffed animals was broken with a baseball bat taken from a wall, and how an unsuccessful attempt was made to open the safe with a hatchet.

He allegedly told officers he and Sockwell went to the Nevada County Branch Bank of Delight to cash in the coins, which had not been rolled as the coin wrappers were in his mother's room. He claimed Sockwell didn't want to go into the bank with him at the time.

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