Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

McGough honored for service to Prescott School District

Published Wednesday, August 28, 2002 in the Nevada County Picayune

Outgoing School Board President Rick McGough was honored Tuesday, Aug. 20, at the Prescott School Board meeting.

The meeting began as Interim Superintendent, Hyacinth Deon, announced the board would like to honor McGough for his service to the school board.

McGough will not be running again for school board, therefor leaving the president position vacant.

The board served McGough with refreshments and awarded him stating, "Thank you for seven years of faithful service."

The board was then addressed by Deon, who presented the superintendents report. The report reviewed the revenues and expenditures of the school district along with an activity account for all three schools.

David Maxwell gave the athletic department report. Maxwell said the Midnight Madness fund-raiser was a huge success with more than 300 attending.

Maxwell said the senior high football study hall has started out well. The coaches plan to allow the students at least 30 minutes to work on homework or get outside help.

He said students who did not need help would most likely be responsible for helping someone who did.

Maxwell said the numbers on the team are good, and the Wolves are, "Ready to play."

Willie Wilson gave the Prescott District Education Association report. He said three members of the PDEA attended a leadership conference and came back with a lot of material from the State of Arkansas.

Wilson then gave the progress and activity report. Wilson gave the board an update on the seniors who were having trouble graduating on time.

He said three students will be attending another year, four will go to ALE, where they may take courses on software, and three have chose to CLEP out of courses, which can give them both college and high school credit.

Wilson said he had discussed these options with the students parents and they have been informed of each students pursuit.

Wilson addressed the proactive behavior policy. Students who were in ISS at least one time were visited with along with the parents to insure that the students got off to a good start this school year.

Wilson said problem students will be attending after school detention study hall with the student taking responsibility for getting home.

Wilson said he was also working closely with the criminal justice system to get communication better between the schools.

Wilson said he was also working closely with the athletic department to help get those students off to a better start also.

The board then adjourned to go into executive session where they addressed a parent petition.

Deon said the petition addressed an elementary school policy, which the board upheld.

The board then made the decision to hire Becky Andrews for the elementary school IMPACT lab and transferred Murrell Johnson to the elementary school.

The board also accepted the resignation of two employees.


Outgoing School Board President Rick McGough was honored Tuesday, Aug. 20, at the Prescott School Board meeting.

The meeting began as Interim Superintendent, Hyacinth Deon, announced the board would like to honor McGough for his service to the school board.

McGough will not be running again for school board, therefor leaving the president position vacant.

The board served McGough with refreshments and awarded him stating, "Thank you for seven years of faithful service."

The board was then addressed by Deon, who presented the superintendents report. The report reviewed the revenues and expenditures of the school district along with an activity account for all three schools.

David Maxwell gave the athletic department report. Maxwell said the Midnight Madness fund-raiser was a huge success with more than 300 attending.

Maxwell said the senior high football study hall has started out well. The coaches plan to allow the students at least 30 minutes to work on homework or get outside help.

He said students who did not need help would most likely be responsible for helping someone who did.

Maxwell said the numbers on the team are good, and the Wolves are, "Ready to play."

Willie Wilson gave the Prescott District Education Association report. He said three members of the PDEA attended a leadership conference and came back with a lot of material from the State of Arkansas.

Wilson then gave the progress and activity report. Wilson gave the board an update on the seniors who were having trouble graduating on time.

He said three students will be attending another year, four will go to ALE, where they may take courses on software, and three have chose to CLEP out of courses, which can give them both college and high school credit.

Wilson said he had discussed these options with the students parents and they have been informed of each students pursuit.

Wilson addressed the proactive behavior policy. Students who were in ISS at least one time were visited with along with the parents to insure that the students got off to a good start this school year.

Wilson said problem students will be attending after school detention study hall with the student taking responsibility for getting home.

Wilson said he was also working closely with the criminal justice system to get communication better between the schools.

Wilson said he was also working closely with the athletic department to help get those students off to a better start also.

The board then adjourned to go into executive session where they addressed a parent petition.

Deon said the petition addressed an elementary school policy, which the board upheld.

The board then made the decision to hire Becky Andrews for the elementary school IMPACT lab and transferred Murrell Johnson to the elementary school.

The board also accepted the resignation of two employees.

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