Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Changes made at PHS for graduating, leaving

Published Wednesday, August 7, 2002 in the Nevada County Picayune

Prescott High School's new principal, James C. Purtle, isn't letting any grass grow under his feet.

In a special meeting of the Prescott School Board, held Thursday, Aug. 1, Purtle presented the daily schedule for PHS.

Under the schedule, the first bell will ring at 7:45 a.m. to let students know they're supposed to be heading to class, with the second bell to go off at 7:55. First period will begin at 8 o'clock sharp, with the school day ending at 3:18 p.m. to accommodate the return to a seven-period day.

Purtle also presented changes to the student handbook, which were approved by the board.

First off, any student leaving campus without permission loses their driving privileges up to 30 days, depending on how many infractions they've had.

Parking will also be changed, with athletes having access to one area and the general student population to park elsewhere. Handicap parking spaces will be repainted.

For the faculty, he said, it will be first come, first served in getting the best spots, which have been reserved for teachers and administrators at PHS.

With PHS going from a four to a seven period day, Purtle said, credits required for graduation have been modified accordingly.

Students graduating in 2003 will have to have 28 credits, based on seven credits being earned at the start of their sophomore year, obtaining 14 by their junior year and 21 when they begin their senior year.

For 2004, credits required drop to 27, falling to 26 for the class of 2005, and stopping at 25 for the class of 06.

Students will also be classified according to the number of credits they've earned, he said. It won't be enough for a student to graduate by just attending classes four years at PHS.

According to information Purtle gave the board, "Any student with less than the listed number of credits for a senior classification that can prove they are enrolled in enough courses to receive the required graduation credits may be classified as a senior.

"After four yeas in grades 9-12 and successfully earning all required credits, students are eligible for a high school diploma. If requirements are not met, students have the option of remaining one more year to complete requirements for high school graduation."

To sum up, this means students who don't have the credits needed can't participate in commencement ceremonies.

The changes now state students with nine unexcused absences in a semester will be scheduled in ISS, or can stay in class under probation for the remainder of the semester, but they will receive no credit for the course.

At the change of semester, the student will be rescheduled in the class or another class.

However, this doesn't mean the district will allow a student to miss without doing something.

After three unexcused absences have been reached, parents will get a call or letter concerning the student not being in class. The call or letter will explain the district's policy on unexcused absences as well.

When six have occurred, a certified letter will be mailed to the student's parent or guardian explaining the policy, with the dean of students setting up a home visit with the student, parent/guardian if possible.

After eight unexcused absences, the parent/guardian will be contacted that day, if possible by phone or personal visit, with a certified letter sent explaining the policy. Additionally, a conference will be scheduled with the parent/guardian along with the counselor, student and principal to discuss the student's standing.

Under Arkansas law, excessive absences are not a basis for expulsion or dismissal of a student, but the parents/guardians are subject to a civil penalty up to $500 when the maximum number of unexcused absences has been exceeded.

The school district must notify the prosecuting attorney when a student's unexcused absences exceed the district's policy.

To be counted as having been in class, a student must be there at least 35 minutes. This is for each class.

Unexcused absences, under the policy, are those not officially approved; with the student not being allowed to make up any credit work missed; and should a student forget to bring a note, they will be counted as unexcused until the situation has been corrected. Students have two days to make the correction.

The check-out procedure has also been changed, and a parent/guardian must be present or provide their child with a signed note from them to check out. Phone calls will not be accepted.

Students leaving campus without permission will be punished accordingly.

The first offense will net them four days in ISS; with the second offense carrying five days of ISS and the loss of driving privileges during their suspension.

Offense number three is five days of ISS and the loss of driving privileges for 30 school days.

The fourth offense will result in the recommendation for the student to be expelled, or be given the option of being in ALE.

Along with these changes, the board agreed to add the Boys II Men and Girls II Women programs to the district's list of extracurricular activities.

Now, students in either of these programs also fall under the Arkansas Activity Association guidelines, requiring a minimum 2.0 GPA for participation. The programs will also be under the direction of certified personnel.

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