Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Changes made at PHS

Published Wednesday, July 24, 2002 in the Nevada County Picayune

Handbooks were addressed, and new teachers added the staff of the Prescott School District.

These, among others, were topics addressed at the Prescott School Board meeting Tuesday July 16.

Hyacinth Deon, interim superintendent, began the meeting with a the superintendent's report for the month.

Willie Wilson, dean of students, and Prescott High School Principle Carroll Purtle presented a possible plan to the board regarding senior/junior classification.

Wilson said several students believed that if they had simply been in high school for four years they are classified as seniors, however, this is not the case. Wilson continued, saying students are not allowed to graduate unless they have a certain amount of credits. He questioned why they should be allowed to participate in senior activities if they have not met these requirements.

The board requested a credit sheet, stating how many credits a student must have to move up to the next classification, be presented at the next board meeting.

PHS Athletic Director David Maxwell's summer report was reviewed, however Maxwell was unable to attend to discuss the report with the board.

Out of state travel was reviewed and accepted for three advance placement teachers. The teachers will travel to Norman, Okla. to work on better ways to teach advance classes.

There were no major changes in the primary and middle school handbooks, the high school handbook, however, has seen a few.

Purtle gave a quick rundown on additions made to the high school handbook for the 2002-2003 school year.

One thing added is corporal punishment. A form will be inserted into the handbook for parents to sign and return if they do not want their children to receive corporal punishment.

The grade point scale has been enhanced to accommodate students in advance placement classes. Those students are now placed on a 5.0 scale.

A decision was made in the handbook there would be no traveling between the high school and the alternative school. Students will be enrolled in one or the other, not both.

Field trips have also been adjusted. Students with poor conduct will not be able to attend such trips. Purtle said the trips are a privilege not a right.

No decision has been made regarding test exemptions, therefore, the policy remains the unchanged at this time.

A new checkout procedure has been added to the handbook. Students can only check out if there is written consent from a parent or if the parent is present, no phone calls will be excepted. However, if an emergency occurs the principle can allow students to leave.

The suspension process for fighting has been changed to a seven period day format. On the first offense the student will receive three days suspension, five the second and 10 on the third offense.

Also the detention hall policy has been changed. After five visits to detention students must have a conference with parents, counselor, and principle to discuss his conduct.

Detention will also become more of a punishment. Students will be assigned related materials from the class they were misbehaving in. A possible Saturday school for repeat offenders may also be offered.

The district's dress code was enhanced slightly by stating no pajama clothing may be wore. House shoes, or shoes that do not protect the feet, are prohibited, as are bandannas. Hats and caps are allowed outside the building, but the bill must be facing forward. Tank tops with spaghetti straps for girls will not be allowed and sleeveless shirts will be monitored.

A review for a sexual offender policy was addressed. A statement will be presented to the school board when an offender is present in the community.

Deon said, "We must do certain things to protect our children."

The Prescott District Education Association (PDEA) is involved in the summer enrichment program. The program has seen up to 56 children attending. However, any student is eligible to attend the meals presented by the program.

The board adjourned to executive session where Deon said several personnel decisions were made.

The board accepted a new Special Education/Sign Language interpreter, along with placing two bus drivers on contract.

The board accepted the resignation for Cleveland Gordon, coach, and special education teacher, then adjourned.

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