Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Nevada High School honor graduates

Published Wednesday, May 15, 2002 in the Nevada County Picayune

Graduation exercises for the 2001 Nevada High School seniors will be Thursday, May 16, at 7 p.m. in the school gymnasium.

General Bill Wofford, of the Arkansas National Guard, will deliver the commencement address to the 43 seniors.

The top graduates are listed as highest honors, high honors and honor graduates.

Highest honor graduates have a grade point average of 4.00-3.80. Five students are graduating with highest honors. They are: Jessica Almand, Carie D. Adams, Bridget Smith, Johnathan S. House, and LaRuth Shayvonne Moss.

High honor graduates have a 3.79-3.60 grade point average. They are: Carla Adams, LaToya Pearson, and Tonya Reeves.

Honor graduates have a 3.59-3.40 grade point average. These students are: Jenifer Lynn Harding, Cassie Cloe Brooks, Sara McCord, Marcella Joe, and Samuel Quarles.

Jessica Almand is the daughter of Bill and Nelwyn Almand.

Her school activities include Art Club; Drug-Free Team; Quiz Bowl Captain; Gifted and Talented; FBLA; National Honor Society; pitcher of softball team; Whos Who Among American High School Students; National Honor Roll; varsity letter winner; first place: Voice of Democracy Speech Contest; first place: Future Business Leader; HOBY Delegate; part of the accelerated plan of study which allows her to graduate from high school one year early. Her honors include Highest Honor Graduate, and Governors Scholar.

Carie D. Adams is the daughter of Johnny and Shelley Vickers and James and Sherri Adams.

Her school activities include Future Business Leaders of America - 4 years; National Honor Society - 3 years; Talent Search - 5 years; band - 7 years; Drug-Free Team - 3 years. Honors include All-Region band - 5 years; Governors Award for Musical Excellence; Senior of Distinction; Advanced Math Award; Chemistry Award; Geometry Award; and Highest Honor Grad.

Bridget Smith is the daughter of Gloria Smith.

Her school activities include FCCLA; French Club; National Honor Society; Publications; Drug-Free Team, President; and Senior Class. Her honors include Senior of Distinction; and Highest Honor Grad.

Johnathan S. House is the son of Jack and Lynn House.

His school activities include President FBLA; basketball; National Honor Society; Drug-Free Team; FCA; High School Hero; Vice-President of Senior Class; Boys State; High School Hero; HOBY - State and World Levels; tutor; publications; yearbook staff. His honors include Senior of Distinction; Mr. NHS; and Highest Honor Grad.

LaRuth Shayvonne Moss is the daughter of Claud Douglas Moss and Ruthie Lee Evans.

Her school activities include Basketball manager, ninth grade; cheerleader, ninth and tenth grades; Church Youth Group Treasurer, ninth through twelfth grade; Drug-Free Team, eleventh and twelfth grades; Environmental Club, ninth and tenth grades; FBLA, tenth through twelfth grade; FHA/FCCLA, ninth, tenth, and twelfth grades; French Club, twelfth grade; Gifted and Talented, ninth through twelfth grade; High School Hero, tenth grade; National Honor Society, tenth through twelfth grade; Newspaper Staff, twelfth grade; Student Council, ninth through twelfth grade; track, ninth grade; Quiz Bowl, ninth through twelfth grade; yearbook staff, twelfth grade.

Carla Adams is the daughter of James and Sherri Adams and Shelley and Johnny Vickers.

Her school activities include FBLA; Nevada Senior Band; Talent Search; French Club; Nevada Lady Jays; and softball team. Her honors include All-Region Band; All-District Softball: Team 2; and High Honors Graduate.

LaToya Pearson is the daughter of Lee and Velma Pearson.

Her school activities include Upward Bound; FCCLA; FBLA; Basketball; Student Council; Drug-Free Team; and National Honor Society. Her honors include Academic Scholastic Awards; Sportsmanship Awards; American History Award; French II Award; Physics Award and High Honor Graduate.

Tonya Reeves is the daughter of Jerry and Cynthia Reeves.

Her school activities include National Honor Society; Gifted and Talented; Drug-Free Team; FBLA; Talent Search; and Quiz. Her honors include High Honor Graduate, and Nevada County Chamber of Commerce Honor Student.

Jenifer Lynn Harding is the daughter of Scott and Stacy Harding.

Her school activities include Drug-Free Team, Future Business Leaders of America, National Honor Society, Gifted and Talented, and Quiz Bowl. Her honors include High Honor Graduate, and Nevada County Chamber of Commerce Honor Student.

Cassie Cloe Brooks is the daughter of Clifton and Tina Clark.

Her school activities include FBLA; Drug-Free Team; NHS; Class Officer; French Club; yearbook and journalism staff. Her honors include End of the Year Academic Award, 3 years; Whos Who Among American High School Students, 3 years; All District in softball, 2002; third in District for Introduction to Impromptu Speaking; first in District for Entrepreneurship; member of the Arkansas Army National Guard; and an Honor Graduate.

Sara McCord is the daughter of William L., Jr. and Wilma E. McCord.

Her school activities include Art Club; French Club, National Honor Society; Talent Search; and Upward Bound. Her honors include Honor Graduate.

Marcella Joe is the daughter of Jimmy and Melody Joe.

Her school activities include Art Club, French Club, and National Honor Society. Her honors include Honor Graduate.

Samuel Quarles is the son of Carla Ann Dockery and Samuel LyDale Quarles.

His school activities include FBLA; Vice President (2nd); Drug-Free Team; National Honor Society, President; FCCLA, Parliamentarian; and journalism/publications staff, co-editor. His honors include 2001 Boys State Delegate; End of the Year Academic Award, 4 Years; 1999-2001 Impromptu Speaking, District Winner; 2002 Public Speaking Winner; 2002 Top 10 Public Speakers (State); VFW Essay Contest, second Place Winner; and Honor Graduate.

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