Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Maps show district borders

Published Wednesday, January 23, 2002 in the Nevada County Picayune

School districts across the state recently received maps showing their exact boundaries.

The maps were provided by the Secretary of State's Office, said Rick McAfee, superintendent of the Nevada School District, during the regular monthly meeting of the Nevada School Board.

There has been some question as to where the Emmet-Nevada district boundaries are. According to the map, he said, two buses from Emmet have been entering the Nevada district to pick up students.

However, no accusations were made about students being picked up illegally. McAfee said this has been going on for years, and many of these students may actually be enrolled at Emmet.

The problem area, he said, is at County Road 14 and Highway 73, which is well inside the Nevada borders.

McAfee will check the map against the map in the Nevada County Tax Assessor's Office to make sure, and then go through channels to get the matter cleared up.

Students in this area, he said, also need to go through the proper channels to make sure they can attend the school they're currently in.

Natalie Sherwood, principal of the Nevada Elementary School, said they ended 2001 with Grandparent's Day and a Christmas performance, with everything going well.

She said the district's mentoring plan is in place, with new teachers being mentored by more experienced ones.

McAfee said any student graduating college and planning to teach must be mentored before they can get licensed. They have three years to complete the mentoring or they will lose their license.

In addition, he said, districts in Arkansas will go to "Practice 3" next year. Under this program, a new teacher can be passed or failed based on the observation of them in action for one hour by a single observer.

In Iowa, where this originated, he said, 98 percent of all first year teachers pass. However, those who fail can take the "test" again at a cost of $400 they must pay. The state will pick up the tab on the first observation.

The board also voted to extend McAfee's contract by a year and freeze his salary where it is as his request.

Lindsey Moss was hired to teach chemistry and physics, while Kathy Brown was moved into a secretarial spot to replace Linda Mullins, who was called into active duty by the military.

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