Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

Area holiday events kick off with parade, Christmas on the Square

Published Wednesday, November 28, 2001 in the Nevada County Picayune

Christmas in Prescott will be a busy time for area residents.

The Prescott-Nevada County Chamber of Commerce has a wide variety of events planned for the holiday season.

Mary Godwin, executive director of the Chamber, said things will kick off with the annual Parade of Homes Lighting Contest and the Retail Merchant's Best Decorated Window Contest.

In the best decorated window event, the deadline to enter is Dec. 6, with judging to take place Dec. 7.

This contest is open to all retail merchants and businesses in Prescott, and there's no entry fee.

To enter, call the Chamber at 887-2101.

Windows will be judges on overall beauty, originality, creativity and merchandising.

The winner will receive a traveling plaque to be displayed in their business for the next year. The winner will be announced Dec. 11 at Christmas on the Square.

The parade of homes event will actually be two contests, with one being for those living in the city limits and the other for county residents.

Those planning to enter must fill out an entry form by 4 p.m. Dec. 6. The entry forms are available at the Chamber office.

Judging will take place the evening of Dec. 6, with displays needing to be lighted from 5:30-10:30 p.m.

The judging will be based on originality, creativity and presentation, with the winners being judged on the appearance of their home's exterior display.

Winners will be announced Dec. 11 at Christmas on the Square, with the victors getting a sign displayed in their front yards for the remainder of December, along with a certificate.

There is no entry fee for the contest.

The criteria for the parade of homes includes: best lighted display consisting of lights being the main attraction; the best unlighted display, where the decorations will be the focal point of the display using a minimal amount of lights; and best theme, which will be judged on the decorations being tied into a central theme.

The categories of the homes will be determined by the judges.

These two events will be followed by Christmas on the Square, starting with the annual Chamber Christmas Parade.

Again this year, Santa's can't be used on any floats, as St. Nick will be on the float for the Chamber.

Miss Arkansas, Jessie Ward, will be the grand marshal for the parade, which will begin at 6 p.m., Dec. 11.

Anyone, group or organization planning to have a float in the parade needs to register by Dec. 7.

The theme for this year's parade is: "An American Christmas".

There will be seven different divisions judged in the parade, with prize money going to winners in all divisions but "best theme," which will get a traveling trophy.

For floats, nine feet and up, prize money will be awarded to the top five finishers, with $125 for first place, $100 for second, $75 for third, $50 for fourth, and $25 for fifth place.

In the mini-float division, a mini-float being eight feet long or less, will see the winner get $50.

The winner in the cars/truck, decorated bicycle, decorated 4-wheeler/golf cart and best dressed animal will receive $10.

Floats will line up at the corner fo West Second and West Vine by First Methodist Church. The route will follow highway 67 south, turning left on East Elm and ending at the Nevada County Courthouse.

Registration and line-up for the parade will be from 3:30-4:45 p.m. on Dec. 11, with the floats judged at 5 o'clock.

When the floats arrive at the courthouse, Christmas on the Square will officially begin.

Here, the winners of the parade, best decorated window and parade of homes will be announced.

There will also be entertainment from local performers.

Santa Claus will step down from the Chamber's float and be available for pictures with the children for $2 each. However, children can visit with Santa and give him their wish list at no cost.

As a special segment this year, those visiting with Santa will be filmed by KTSS. Godwin said this is a first, as the visits with Santa has never been filmed for television before.

In addition, Ward will also be on hand for photos.

Christmas on the Square will conclude with what has become a popular event  the snowball avalanche.

Ping pong balls, Godwin said, will be marked with discounts from local merchants. These balls will then be dumped out for the revelers to pick up and redeem.

Concessions, she said, will also be available at the event.

Christmas on the Square will be followed by the first live nativity at the Nevada County Fairgrounds, Godwin said.

The nativity will be held Dec. 14-15 from 7-9 p.m. each evening.

Cars will enter the fairgrounds from Highway 67, exiting on the Whiteside Street.

Members of the Chamber's board of directors will be responsible for working the gate.

As each car comes by, they will be handed a sheet of churches and sponsors involved in the event. They can also make a donation of money or a canned food item.

The money and food will be given to the Department of Human Services and passed on to needy families in the area.

Those coming to the nativity will not be allowed to get out of their vehicles, and are required to drive through the scene slowly.

The "actors" in the nativity will need to park by the rodeo arena, or outside the fairground gates.

There will be five main parts to the nativity:

1) an angel appears to Mary telling her she will have a child;

2) Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem by donkey;

3) shepherds will be tending their flocks in the field'

4) the three wise men will visit the manger to worship and pay tribute to the baby Jesus; and

5) music will be played at the manger scene.

Godwin encourages everyone to come and participate in the live nativity, and bring an elderly friend or neighbor along.

Holiday events will conclude on Dec. 22, with Breakfast with Santa.

Breakfast will be held in the Potlatch building from 9-11 a.m. Those 10 and under must be accompanied by an adult.

Breakfast will consist of doughnut holes, a sausage biscuit, juice and milk.

Door prizes will be drawn for throughout the event. Other activities include face painting, making magic reindeer food, decorating a Christmas ornament, making a Christmas card, decorating cookies, making a "Jingle Bell" necklace, writing and mailing a letter to Santa, a coloring contest, Bingo, dot to dot, a bean bag toss and other activities, concluding with story time.

Santa will be on hand to talk with the children and hear what they want for Christmas.

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