Nevada County Picayune   The Gurdon Times

Nevada County Picayune and Gurdon Times Newspaper Archive

School elections Sept. 18

John Miller
Published Wednesday, July 11, 2001 in the Nevada County Picayune

School elections will be held Tuesday, Sept. 18, with one seat open in each of Nevada County's three school districts.

In Prescott, Ward 1, held by George Odom, will be up for grabs; while Jack Faulkner's seat will be open in Emmet. At Nevada, the position held by Beverly Curtis will be decided.

According to Davis Benton, chairman of the Nevada County Election Commission, those wanting to run for a position on the school boards must turn in their petitions by Aug. 4.

The petitions are available now at the Nevada County Clerk's Office.

Candidates will need to procure the names of 20 registered voters from the district in question to be eligible to seek the office.

Normally, the school elections are also when districts seek millage increases. None of the three in the county are asking for more millage money in this election.

However, the ballot will contain a section to keep the current millage rate as is.

According to Juliana Stockton, county clerk, this is the only election scheduled for 2001.

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